How can decode mswinsck-ocx error code

0 votes
asked Jul 5, 2023 in Other-Education by ruhi999 (120 points)

Hi friends, 

I am Ruhi Sharma I am not opening my application showing an error code mswinsck-ocxis missing someone help me fix the mswinsck-ocx, sorry I am not a native speaker pardon me for my bad English 

Thanks in advance 

Ruhi Sharma

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Oct 11, 2023 by CaizCasa (8,180 points)
The program MSWINSCK.OCX is an Active X controller. This program might be required for that particular app to run. If that program is corrupted or missing or unregistered, you might get this error message. I would suggest you to try these steps and check.

Method 1: SFC scan

System File checker (SFC) scan is done to check if there are any corrupted system files that could be causing this issue. Refer to these steps to perform a SFC scan:

a)      Press Windows key + X, select Command prompt (Admin) to bring up elevated command prompt

b)      In the command prompt type the following command: “sfc/scannow” and press enter

c)       Now, restart the computer.

Method 2: Re-install the app

Refer the steps mentioned under “Reinstall the app” section in this link:

Method 3:

If the SFC scanner didn’t identify any errors, then I would suggest you to follow these steps and check

a)      Press Windows key + X, select command prompt (admin)

b)      Type regsvr32 "C:\WINDOWS\system32\Mswinsck.ocx” and press enter

c)       This should usually register the “MSWINSCK.OCX” program. If you get an error message saying that the module can’t be found, then you will have to manually download the file “MSWINSCK.OCX” and then register it.

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