What age are toddlers fully potty trained?

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asked Jun 16, 2023 in Toddler/Preschooler by yuatiu0 (530 points)
What age are toddlers fully potty trained?

2 Answers

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answered Jun 16, 2023 by paratom (9,090 points)
Hi yuatiu0,

Don't let all the Karen's you meet here because your life would be hell. I believe that the child will tell you when they are ready. At this point in their life, is the only time you have to listen to them.

If you force you child to be potty trained, shame on you, you will cause that child accidents and bedwetting cause they weren't ready in the first place.

If that child is ready, it's less accidents and bedwetting. Every child is different, if you have 2 kids, the first child  could be completely out of diapers and in underwear by age 2, the 2nd child could be different and be wearing diapers at 5-6 yrs old. Honestly I would change diapers until the child was ready.

If you are concerned or have questions, please email me

[email protected]
0 votes
answered Jun 17, 2023 by Tavias (600 points)
The age at which toddlers are potty trained is between the ages of 18 months and 2 years old.

However some toddlers may not fully potty train or be ready to potty train until they are at least 3 years old or even 4 years old which is okay.

If a toddler is still peeing his or her pants and peeing all over the place and not able to get to the toilet they really are not ready.

I personally believe that 18 months or at least under 2 years old is too young to potty train as while the child can use the toilet they don't have the brain power to get up to go to the toilet on their own in time to use the toilet.

So I would wait until the child is at least 2 or 3 before potty training them.

When a child is ready to potty train they should potty train within a day or so and not take months and have many accidents.

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