Do bears have relationships?

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asked Jul 20, 2023 in Other- Pets by Alrikk (1,160 points)
Do bears have relationships?

4 Answers

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answered Jul 22, 2023 by gatepeeper (12,040 points)
Bears do have relationships with other bears although the male and female bear only has a relationship during mating season and then the male bear leaves the mother bear to fend for her cubs.

Bears also form hierarchies and also have structured kinship relationships.

Bears do not mate for life as male bears and female bears only come together and mate during mating or breeding season.

The female bear may mate with several other male bears during the short estrus period and the bear cubs from the same litter of bear cubs may also have different bear fathers.

Bears are not actually good dads and in fact bears as well as lions are among the worst dads in the animal kingdom.

Penguins and seahorses are among the best animal fathers.

Male bears do not stay with the family and instead the male bear continues his solitary life and leaves the female bear after the mating season with the responsibility of raising the cubs and other future cubs.

Also male grizzly bears will sometimes kill and eat the cubs and even if they are their own cubs.

Bears are polygamous and the male bears mate with a number of female bears and the males often will travel extensively in search of any receptive females.

After the mating occurs between the bears, the implantation of the fertilized egg is delayed and the embryo does not develop in the bear until the period of winter dormancy.

The symbiotic relationships that black bears have is with bear lice that is a 2 mm long organism that lives on the surface of the bear and eats their dead skin.

This is known as mutualism because the bear benefits from the bear lice by getting the dead skin taken off and the lice also get a place to live on the bear.

A black bear can mate with a grizzly bear and subspecies and species of bears known to have produced offspring with other bear species are grizzly bears, black bears and also polar bears.

These bears are all members of the genus Ursus.

The bears that are not in Ursus like the giant panda bear are not expected to be able to produce hybrids with other bears.

A black bear is pregnant for 220 days before it gives birth to the baby bear or cub.

The cubs of a black bear are born in January after the gestation period which is around 7 months.

Black bears and brown bears do coexist and they do tend to overlap in much of the grizzly's range.

Bears can be friendly and some humans can interact with bears and be just fine.

Although you should really never approach a wild bear as they could see you as a threat and attack.

A bear can be tamed somewhat but not completely and bears cannot be fully domesticated.

Bears can be trained to be comfortable around humans although they are also solitary creatures and require a great deal of food and will hunt for the food when hungry.

Some bears are also raised by humans from birth, although they still have their wild instincts.

Adult male bears do eat their own cubs and quite commonly.

Other animals that will eat bear cubs are dog packs, mountain lions, eagles, bobcats and wolves when the bear cub becomes separated from their mother.

Father bears and adult male bears are called boars and weight around 400 lbs.

Bears are not monogamous and sometimes bears have more than one mate during their life.

Not only are male bears promiscuous, but females often have more than one mating partner.

Breeding season begins in May and lasts until early July, with mating mainly occurring during June.

Bears don't mate for life.

Throughout their lifespan, females often have more than one mating partner and male bears tend to be quite promiscuous.

Brown bears are not endangered as of now as the population of brown bears is stable.

The brown bear is a large bear species found across Eurasia and North America.

In North America, the populations of brown bears are called grizzly bears, while the subspecies that inhabits the Kodiak Islands of Alaska is known as the Kodiak bear.

Bears will attack humans but they only attack humans when they feel threatened, feel their cubs are being threatened or when the bear is provoked.

For the most part bears don't attack and want to leave people alone.

As long as you don't seem as a threat to the bear or her cubs or you don't provoke the bear and keep your distance from the bear you are very unlikely to get attacked by the bear.

Bears do not eat humans unless the bear was actually starving and then they might eat a human.

Most often when a bear attacks you they just attack you and harm you or kill you and then get away.

Bear Spray is actually 90 percent effective at stopping bear attacks although sometimes it takes a gun to kill the bear if the bear is actively attacking someone.

So it's best to have both a gun and bear spray but if you can deter the bear with bear spray it's best to use it but if you have no other choice then you can kill the bear with a gun.

Studies show bear spray is 90% successful when used to deter bear attacks, versus 76% for long guns and 84% for handguns.

The best way to scare a bear away is to make loud noises such as by hollering or banging pots and pans together or banging on the hood of your car or vehicle, camper etc.

It's also good to have some bear spray available in case you need to spray the bear with the bear spray for safety.

Bears are scared of loud noises, ammonia smells, bleach smells, other large animals and even people.

Black bears are not territorial toward people like some dogs are.

Black bears are mostly afraid they will be attacked.

If a person doesn't want a black bear to come closer, act aggressively.

Black bears that come into campgrounds are looking for food, not people, and can easily be chased away in most cases.

You can scare bears away by making loud noises by yelling, banging pots and pans or using an airhorn.

Make yourself look as big as possible by waving your arms.

If you are with someone else, stand close together with your arms raised above your head.

Polar bears are aggressive to humans but only when they feel threatened or when the polar bear is provoked.

Polar bear attacks on humans are very rare and most often the polar bear will leave humans alone but you still must be careful around them.

Pandas are also aggressive when they feel threatened although if they don't feel threatened then they are pretty non aggressive bears.

Pandas can be dangerous to humans if they feel threatened.

Attacks are infrequent and most likely in captivity.

Pandas, despite their fluffy and cuddly appearance, can be quite dangerous to humans.

Pandas are substantially stronger than most men, and their teeth and claws are dangerous.

Bears are not dangerous to humans unless you get too close to the bear or the bear sees you as a threat.

Most bears will just get away from the human when possible and unless you get too close or provoke the bear it will usually leave humans alone.

There have also been some bears who have come up close to humans and never harmed them.

But you still must be very careful around bears as if they attack you they can kill you easily.

Bears range in height from 2.3 ft to as tall as 7.9 ft in height.
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answered Aug 22, 2023 by mitchham (1,620 points)
edited Aug 23, 2023 by mitchham

Sure animals have relationships, but I don't think they face the same problems that we face in our relationships. For example, do animals have a problem with different ages of partners? After all, humans have similar problems, which are coolly described in this article If this is relevant to you, I suggest you read it.

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answered Sep 16, 2023 by Don Lawrence (5,430 points) 1 flag

What psychological aspects should be taken into account when dating online and communicating with strangers?

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answered Sep 16, 2023 by Kim_Lee23 (1,660 points)
edited Sep 18, 2023 by Kim_Lee23

Great question. Well, learn how to handle rejections gracefully and not take them personally. Yes, not everyone is a good fit and that's okay. Also, be as careful as possible. Sometimes people can show far from their true colors online. Be careful if something seems too good to be true, or if the person is hesitant to provide actual photos or meet in person. Meet only on trusted sites, which can be found at This is the best and honest reviewer of dating sites.

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