Is the nose connected to the nervous system?

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asked Jul 20, 2023 in Other- Health by Degreanny (580 points)
Is the nose connected to the nervous system?

1 Answer

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answered Aug 24, 2023 by farsrfun (5,200 points)
The nose is connected to the nervous system and it contains a complex nervous system that includes the sympathetic nerves, parasympathetic nerves and sensory nerves.

There is a pathway from the nose to the brain and the olfactory and trigeminal nerves are pathways to the brain.

Neurons at the edge of the olfactory system extend small projections through the bone lining the nasal cavity.

These projections enter the brain, giving it access to odors present in the air.

The left nostril as well as the right nostril does lead to the brain as each of the nostrils are connected to the opposite side of the brain.

The right nostril connects most directly to the right hemisphere, while the left links to the left side of the brain.

For most people, even left-handers, the dominant language centers are in the brain's left hemisphere.

The right hemisphere dominates, by contrast, for some kinds of emotional processing.

The way the nose works with the brain is your nose contains an olfactory bulb that is below the front of the brain and just above the nasal cavity.

The signals from the nose are sent from the olfactory bulb to other parts of your brain to be interpreted as a smell that you can recognize.

When you smell you breathe in molecules that stimulate the olfactory nerves.

One fact about the nose is the nose filters and humidifies the air that we breathe in.

When you breathe in air the air passes through the nose and is then humidified and moisturized and also filtered.

The nose has a multiple layer air pathway with 3 sets of turbinates that are called the upper, middle and lower conchae which are long bony structures that are covered with a layer of tissue which expand and contract and it's because of this that the nose is able to moisturize and humidify the air you breathe.

The part of the brain that controls the nose is the olfactory nerve which is the first cranial nerve.

The olfactory nerve enables the olfactory system and your sense of smell.

A lot of conditions can affect your cranial nerve 1 which include diabetes, Alzheimer's and COVID-19.

The nerve system that is the nose are the ophthalmic (V1) and the maxillary (V2) divisions of the trigeminal nerve.

The noses ophthalmic division has 3 main branches which are the nasociliary, frontal and the lacrimal.

The nose works as an organ for smelling by taking the molecules in from the air and then those molecules stimulate the olfactory sensory neurons that are high inside the nose.

Inside the nose there are a few million of the olfactory sensory neuron cells.

When we smell an odor or smell something we actually breathe in tiny molecules which is what we smell.

The nose is so important as the nose helps you smell, taste and also breathe.

Your nose also allows the air around you to enter your body and helps filter any debris from the air and warms the air and moistens it before it enters your body.

You inherit your nose from your mom and dad although if you're a boy then you are more likely to inherit your nose from your mom and if you're a girl then you're more likely to inherit your nose from your dad.

Noses do change with age and can change shape and size as you get older.

Noses do get slightly bigger with age and the nose can also change shape with age.

The human nose is almost fully grown by the time you reach your teens although the nose can still change shape and grow some as we age and get older.

The human ears also are 90 percent grown by the age of 6 years old but they can also grow some and change shape the older you get.

The part of the human body that does not grow from birth to death is the innermost ear ossicle and the eyeballs.

As you grow or develop the ossicle does not grow in size nor does the eyeballs.

Your legs are stronger than your arms as your legs hold up the weight of your body so they need to be much stronger than your arms.

The legs are also able to push as much as 4 times more weight than your arms can.

Legs also have a much better advantage than arms when it comes to endurance.

The strongest bone in your body is your femur which is one of the most well described bones in the human skeleton in the fields ranging from forensic medicine and clinical anatomy.

The femur is the bone of the thigh or upper hind limb, articulating at the hip and the knee.

The part of human body that does not burn in fire is the bones.

The bones will burn however but it takes a temperature of 1,292 degrees F or above and even then the bones don't turn completely to ash.

The body part that stops growing first are the hands and feet.

After the hands and arms the arms and legs then also stop growing.

As you progress through puberty your growth plates mature and then at the end of puberty the growth plates fuse and stop growing.

A good way to know if you will still grow and have growth potential is through an X Ray of your wrist.

The X Ray of your wrist is called a pediatric bone age  and it shows if your growth places are still open or not.

If your growth plates are still open then you will likely still grow but if your growth plates are closed then you stop growing.

Your body knows to stop growing when the bones fuse together.

The high concentration of estrogen in human blood is what causes the growth plates of our bones to fuse.

This fusion effectively closes the growth centers of long bones and renders them unable to respond to the hormones that initiate growth.

Humans take so long to grow as the brain which is hungry for energy diverts energy from our bodies which slows down growth and leads to a long childhood and adolescence.

Humans are considered late bloomers and late growers when compared with the other primates.

Growth hormones are made in the pituitary gland, which is the most important factor for growth and growing fast.

Things that makes us grow fast are proper nutrition, plenty of sleep, exercise, water and growth hormones.

The 4 things that humans need to grow are food, water, air and exercise.

As humans we also need growth in every capacity: spiritually, intellectually, physically, and emotionally.

Development in all four areas is key to a healthy life.

The age that your body grows the most is between the ages of 12 to 15 years of age.

Growth spurts for boys is around 2 years later than the growth spurt of girls and by age 16 most boys have stopped growing although the boys muscles will continue to develop.

The fastest body part to grow is the skin.

As your body grows your skin also grows and stretches to fit your growing body.

The fattiest organ in the body is the human brain which is made of fat and not only does the fat make the brain the fattiest organ the fatty acids are also very crucial for your brains performance.

The organ that humans do not need is the Appendix.

Humans can easily live without an Appendix and a lot of people have the Appendix removed before it bursts and live just fine without it.

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