What is the most common injury found during arthroscopy?

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asked Jul 20, 2023 in Other- Health by sumguylko (700 points)
What is the most common injury found during arthroscopy?

1 Answer

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answered Jul 20, 2023 by Christeenlia (30,340 points)
The most common injury found during arthroscopy is Meniscal tears also known as cartilage tears.

Other most common injuries found during arthroscopy are chondromalacia (wearing or injury of cartilage cushion) and ACL tears (anterior cruciate ligament tears with an instability of the knee.

The length of time it takes to recover from arthroscopic surgery is around 6 weeks.

The recovery time for an arthroscopy is around 6 weeks for full recovery.

If the surgeon doing the arthroscopy repaired any damaged tissue then the recovery will take a bit longer and you might have to limit activity until the knee strength and movement get back to normal.

An arthroscopy lasts around 30 minutes for the procedure and if any extensive work is needed then the arthroscopy procedure can last up to 45 minutes.

Once the work is done with the arthroscopy it typically lasts the rest of your life as in most cases the arthroscopy is a permanent fix.

The cons of arthroscopy are possible complications which include ongoing pain in the calf and food, numbness at the incision site, nerve damage, allergic reaction to the anesthesia, excessive bleeding also known as a hemorrhage, artery damage, Thrombophlebitis, clots in the vein and infection.

An arthroscopy is not recommended because of possible by rare complications that can occur and be serious such as infections and blood clots.

The recovery from an arthroscopy is also pretty long and takes between 2 weeks to 6 weeks and you will usually have limited mobility after the arthroscopy surgery.

The knee arthroscopy procedure itself is not painful as you'll be given anesthetic so that you won't feel pain.

However pain after the arthroscopy is common and most often in the area where you had the pain before the arthroscopy in the soft tissues below your knee cap.

The pain is usually mild although it may be severe for a few days to a week and then the pain should go away and lessen within 2 weeks to 3 weeks although in some cases it may take as long as 6 weeks for the pain after an arthroscopy to fully go away.

The most serious complication of arthroscopy is a heart attack and or stroke.

The risks and other complications that come along with a knee arthroscopy surgery are stroke, heart attack, stiffness and persistent swelling, blood clots, nerve damage and infection.

An arthroscopy is not a major surgery and instead arthroscopy is a minor surgery that is done on an outpatient bases so that you can go home from the hospital the same day of the arthroscopy.

The arthroscopy is a type of surgical procedure that is used to allow doctors to diagnose and look at and treat problems inside a joint.

You don't have to stay in the hospital after an arthroscopy unless you have any complications.

Most people who have had an arthroscopy will be able to leave the hospital and go home the same day of the arthroscopy surgery.

Things you should not do before a knee arthroscopy are eat or drinking anything after midnight on the night before the knee arthroscopy.

The fasting before the knee arthroscopy helps reduce the nausea that is sometimes caused by the anesthesia.

Also before the knee arthroscopy you should try to avoid any bruising, poison ivy, cuts, sunburns, abrasions, infections or other trauma to the knee.

Things you should avoid after knee arthroscopy are alcohol, driving, operating machinery or making important business or personal decisions for the first 24 hours following the arthroscopy procedure.

You should rest on the day of the knee arthroscopy surgery and you may feel dizzy, lightheaded or sleepy for at least 24 hours or sometimes longer.

After a knee arthroscopy you will have to be off work for up to 1 to 2 weeks if you have a low impact job and for heavy work you will have to be off work for 3 months to 6 months after the knee arthroscopy.

Most times you're not put to sleep for knee arthroscopy and the surgeon uses local anesthesia which means your knee is only numb.

However you can ask for general anesthesia where you're put to sleep for the knee arthroscopy if you prefer. .

You can also be numb from the waist down by being given regional anesthesia.

The average age for knee arthroscopy is around 65 years of age.

Most knee replacement surgery is performed in elders who have severe arthritis and those under the age of 50 are considered young and are asked to wait until the age of 65 to have knee arthroscopy done.

A Knee arthroscopy is a type of surgery that is done to check for problems, using a tiny camera to see inside your knee.

Other medical instruments may also be inserted to repair your knee during the knee arthroscopy.

The knee is a complex joint made up of the distal end of the femur (femoral condyles) and the proximal end of the tibia (tibial plateau).

The recovery from knee arthroscopy takes on average of 6 weeks.

If your doctor repaired damaged tissue, recovery will take longer.

You may have to limit your activity until your knee strength and movement are back to normal.

You may also be in a physical rehabilitation (rehab) program.

Common arthroscopic procedures for the knee include: Partial meniscectomy (removal of the meniscus), repair of a torn meniscus, or meniscus transplantation.

Reconstruction of a torn anterior cruciate ligament or posterior cruciate ligament. Removal of inflamed synovial tissue.

The knee arthroscopy is a minor surgery and is done on an outpatient basis, which means you can go home the same day.

Your doctor may recommend it if you have inflammation in a joint, have injured a joint, or have damaged a joint over time.

After the knee arthroscopy you can start with some gentle exercise, such as walking.

This may feel a little uncomfortable at first.

After a week or two, you may be able to go for longer walks, swim or have a gentle cycle.

Don't do any high-impact exercises, such as running, for at least six weeks.

Pain is quite common, most often in the area where you had pain before surgery, in the soft tissues below the knee cap, over the arthroscopy wounds and occasionally the whole knee.

The pain settles usually within two to three weeks, but may take upwards of six weeks.

Swelling in the whole knee up to six weeks.

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