Is a proctectomy major surgery?

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asked Jun 9, 2023 in Other- Health by ricearomaticweb (440 points)
Is a proctectomy major surgery?

1 Answer

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answered Jun 9, 2023 by inkdropp (1,200 points)
A proctectomy is major surgery which is surgery where the rectum and your anus are removed and then sewed up permanently.

A proctocolectomy is the standard surgical procedure for patients with ulcerative colitis where medical therapy has failed or serious life-threatening complications have ensued.

Colectomy surgery removes part or all of your colon.

“Procto” means rectum, so a proctocolectomy includes your rectum with your colon.

A proctectomy, on the other hand, removes only the rectum.

A colectomy is a surgical procedure that is used to treat colon diseases that include diverticulitis, inflammatory disease and cancer.

The colectomy surgery is done by removing a portion of your colon which is part of the large intestine.

Colectomy is also known as bowel resection of the large bowel that consists of the surgical removal of any extent of the colon, usually segmental resection.

In extreme cases where the entire large intestine is removed, it is called total colectomy, and proctocolectomy denotes that the rectum is included.

Straight after surgery to remove part of your colon, your poo might be a bit looser and more frequent.

But this usually settles down after a few weeks and medicines may help with some of the symptoms.

Surgery to remove the whole of the large bowel (colon) is called a total colectomy.

The surgeon brings the end of the small bowel to the surface of the abdomen to make an ileostomy.

Sometimes it is possible for the small bowel to be joined to the lower part of the bowel (the rectum).

A colectomy can also be called a large bowel resection.

A colostomy may be needed after colectomy.

A colostomy is an opening to the outside of your body that lets stool exit into a bag.

In some cases, the cut parts of the colon will be reattached so that bowel movements can happen, and a colostomy is not needed.

Typically, a soft diet is recommended for the first 2 to 8 weeks following colectomy surgery.

You will then slowly advance to a regular diet; depending on your progress and tolerance for food.

The foods you tolerate can vary greatly from one person to the next.

Foods that you should avoid after a colectomy are.

Foods that are high in fiber: Whole-grain foods such as whole-wheat breads, brown rice, or oats.
Foods that may cause blockage: Vegetable and fruit skins.
Foods that may cause gas or odor: Apples, bananas, grapes, prunes, and melons.
Foods that may cause diarrhea: Alcohol.

Most patients have a successful colon resection procedure and go on to live full and comfortable lives.

If there is an underlying disease, of course, continuing treatment may be necessary.

A pouch called an ostomy bag attaches to the outside of the stoma to collect the poop.

Not all colectomies require an ostomy, and not all colostomies are permanent.

You may only need one temporarily while your intestines are healing from the colectomy.

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