How much feces can the human body hold?

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asked Jun 9, 2023 in Other- Health by ricearomaticweb (440 points)
How much feces can the human body hold?

1 Answer

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answered Jun 9, 2023 by inkdropp (1,200 points)
The amount of feces that the human body can hold is between 5 lbs to 10 lbs of feces or poop.

The human body can hold up to 25 lbs of poop although most people have between 5 to 10 lbs of poop in their body when they are pooping properly.

The amount of waste in your intestines can range from 5 lbs to as much as 20 lbs of waste.

Most people have around 5 to 10 lbs of waste in their colon although some people can have more.

The average person's colon can often hold 8 to 25 lbs of accumulated fecal matter.

And in the year of 1914, 57 of the world's leading physicians met at a health conference where they concluded that every organ of the body is affected by reabsorbed poisons from the colon which result in many forms of illness.

You can clean your intestines naturally by doing a colon cleanse, taking some probiotics, eat a high fiber diet, do a juice fast, drink juices and smoothies, do a salt water flush, drink honey and lemon water, and drink plenty of water.

Also try ColonBroom to help clean your colon and intestines.

You can calm your intestines by exercising regularly eating more fiber and eat at regular times and don't skip meals.

Eating at the same time each day helps to regulate your bowel function and keep your intestines healthy.

Probiotics and peppermint oil can also help calm and relax your intestines.

A ruptured intestine will feel like and cause abdominal pain and abdominal cramping which is most often severe.

Swollen and bloated abdomen as well as fever and chills are also common symptoms of a ruptured intestine.

An intestinal perforation is a major life-threatening condition with high morbidity and mortality that requires emergency surgery.

Despite improvements in surgical and medical treatments, the overall mortality rate is 30% and the mortality rate of cases that also have diffuse peritonitis is up to 70%.

Foods to avoid if you have gastrointestinal problems are acidic foods, dairy foods, cheese, cottage cheese, spicy foods, unwashed foods and spoiled foods.

Also avoid alcohol when you have gastrointestinal problems.

The symptoms of bacteria in the intestines are abdominal pain and cramping, diarrhea, fever, vomiting and nausea.

And in severe cases of bacteria in your intestines you may have an electrolyte imbalance and become dehydrated.

Bacteria in the intestines is treated with antibiotics.

The medicine that is best for intestinal infections are penicillin, cephalosporin, antifolate / sulfa combinations, nitroimidazole, penem, glycopeptide, and monobactam antibiotics.

The signs and symptoms that you have an abdominal infection are bloating or feeling fullness in your abdomen, fever, nausea and vomiting as well as tenderness and abdominal pain.

The symptoms of a large intestine infection are.

Abdominal cramps and pain.
Loss of appetite or appetite changes.
Bloody stool.
The feeling the need for more frequent bowel movements.
A fever.
And unexplained weight loss.

The most common intestinal infection is a Salmonella infection that causes gastroenteritis and also leads to the highest number of deaths and hospitalizations in the United States.

Salmonella infection (salmonellosis) is a common bacterial disease that affects the intestinal tract.

Salmonella infection is caused by a group of salmonella bacteria called Salmonella.

The bacteria are passed from feces of people or animals to other people or animals.

Contaminated foods are often animal in origin.

They include beef, poultry, seafood, milk, or eggs.

You can tell if your intestines are inflamed through a blood test and stool test.

Also the signs and symptoms of inflamed intestines can tell you if your intestines are inflamed.

The signs and symptoms of inflamed intestines are unexplained weight loss, fever, having more frequent bowel movements or feeling the need to poop more, fatigue, bloody poop, diarrhea, loss of appetite and abdominal pain and cramps.

To know if you have inflammation in your gut a complete blood count test can be done as well as a stool test which looks for signs of intestinal inflammation.

The signs and symptoms of inflammation in your gut include.

Unexplained weight loss.
Blood in your poop.
Reduced appetite.
Abdominal cramping and pain.
Diarrhea and Fatigue.

Some ways to fix your gut health are to get plenty of exercise, eat healthy, get enough sleep, avoid too much sugar and sweeteners, eat prebiotic fiber, reduce stress, eat fermented foods and take probiotics.

Foods that cleanse the gut are.



Spinach, Kale, Chard and other leafy greens.


And Milk are all good for cleansing your gut.

Some ways to heal your gut are to consume probiotics.

Get plenty of sleep.

Lower your stress levels.

Stay hydrated.

Eat slowly.

Exercise daily.

And eat foods that help heal your gut and promote gut health which include.

Fermented Foods.
Fermented foods like sauerkraut, kimchi, miso, and tempeh are gut-health superstars.
Wild Caught Seafood.
Bone Broth.
Coconut Products.
Apple Cider Vinegar.
Soups & Stews.

Some of the foods that are considered superfoods for your gut health are.

Fat-free or low-fat milk and milk products.
Fruits, vegetables, unsalted nuts and seeds, and whole grains.
Lean meats, poultry, seafood, beans and peas, soy products, and eggs.

While the signs your leaky gut is healing will depend on your initial symptoms, if you find your bowel movements have regulated, you no longer experience constant bouts of constipation and/or diarrhea, your skin is healthy and glowing and you feel full of energy—it's a good sign your leaky gut is repairing.

Signs and symptoms of poor gut health include.

Autoimmune problems, such as thyroid issues, rheumatoid arthritis and type 1 diabetes.
Digestive issues, such as irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, diarrhea, heartburn or bloating.
Sleep issues.
Skin rashes and allergies.
Sugar cravings.
Unexplained fatigue or sluggishness.

Other foods that clean the gut include.

Broccoli. There are so many different ways to add broccoli to your diet.
Dark, leafy greens. Eating dark, leafy greens like spinach, kale, and chard is a great way to cleanse your colon.
Milk. You can use milk for more than just your morning cereal.

You can also cleanse your gut and colon by taking some colon cleanse supplements which help to cleanse the gut and colon and may prevent colon cancer and keep your gut and colon healthy.

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