What is the downside of atorvastatin?

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asked Jun 5, 2023 in Other- Health by Adelayy (660 points)
What is the downside of atorvastatin?

2 Answers

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answered Jun 5, 2023 by AlmaColeman (440 points)

Atorvastatin, a medication commonly used to lower cholesterol levels, has potential downsides or side effects. These can include muscle pain or weakness, liver problems, digestive issues, memory problems, and an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Additionally, some people may experience allergic reactions or interactions with other medications. It is important to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice and to weigh the potential benefits against the risks before starting any medication, including atorvastatin.

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answered Jun 5, 2023 by Crazytoaster (38,530 points)
The downside of atorvastatin are side effects that can include changes in some blood tests, diarrhea, joint pain, muscle pain and upset stomach.

Another downside of atorvastatin are possible serious side effects that can include liver problems and muscle problems which can lead to possible kidney failure.

Atorvastatin does not cause high blood pressure although atorvastatin can and somtimes does induce a small and mild blood pressure reduction.

So you may have a mild drop in blood pressure when taking atorvastatin but you should not have high blood pressure as a result of atorvastatin.

Atorvastatin does raise blood sugar in certain people although the spike in blood sugar with atorvastatin is a small increase.

The side effects of atorvastatin include.

Feeling sick (nausea) or indigestion. Stick to simple meals and do not eat rich or spicy food.
Headaches. Make sure you rest and drink plenty of fluids.
Sore throat.
Cold-like symptoms, such as a runny nose, blocked nose or sneezing.
Constipation or farting (flatulence)

Some other things you can take instead of statins to lower cholesterol are red yeast rice extract, Policosanol, Niacin, Cholestramine and other bile acid binding resins, plant stanols and sterols and Fibrates.

There's no vitamins that should not be taken with statins as no interactions have been found to occur with vitamins such as multivitamins and mineral supplements so they are safe to take with statins.

Statins can reduce carotid plaque and studies have shown that statins can and have lowered the rate of carotid plaque progression and buildup.

Statins can also reduce the rate of ischemic stroke.

A blocked carotid artery is cleared using a procedure called carotid endarterectomy which is a procedure where the surgeon surgically removes plaque buildup in the carotid artery.

An incision is made on the side of the neck where the blocked carotid artery is and the artery is opened and the plaque is then removed.

The carotid artery is located on both sides of your neck.

You have a pair of carotid arteries which are a pair of blood vessels on both sides of your neck which deliver the blood to your head and brain.

The most common cause of carotid artery disease is Atherosclerosis.

The Atherosclerosis condition causes fatty deposits to build up along the inner layer of your arteries which forms plaque.

And the thickening narrows the arteries and decreases the blood flow or even completely blocks the flow of blood to your brain.

A normal carotid artery reading is 30-40 cm/sec although the velocity scale setting should be adjusted for each patient.

In healthy adults, the flow ratio between the two common carotid arteries is 1.07 ± 0.052.

A blocked carotid artery can be caused by.
Trauma to the neck.
Smoking or using recreational drugs or drinking alcohol.
Older age and high blood pressure, high triglycerides, high cholesterol.
Family history of stroke or diabetes melitus.
Eating greasy and fatty foods or too much processed foods.

The Carotid artery disease is caused by buildup of plaque in your arteries that deliver blood to your brain.

The percentage of carotid artery blockage that requires surgery is more than 70 percent.

When a carotid artery gets blocked to more than 70 percent and is narrowed more than 70 percent then surgery is needed.

The warning signs of a blocked carotid artery are.

Problems with memory, speech, reasoning and thinking.
Memory loss and confusion.
Numbness and or weakness in part of your body or on one side of the body.
Vision loss or blurred vision.

Foods that cause plaque in the carotid artery are red meat, dairy products, eggs, cheese, processed meats and foods high in choline and saturated fat.

These foods increase the number of metabolites which build plaque in the arteries.

To get rid of plaque in your neck arteries you can have a surgery called carotid endarterectomy.

The carotid endarterectomy is done by making an incision along the front of your neck which opens the carotid artery and removes the plaque.

You can also help remove plaque from your neck arteries and your other arteries by eating foods that are good for reducing plaque in the arteries.

A change in diet can reverse plaque in arteries and also cleanses out and prevent plaque buildup in the arteries.

Good foods to eat that help reverse plaque in the arteries are tomatoes, berries, raspberries, blackberries, cranberries, blueberries and strawberries.

Other foods that are good for reducing plaque buildup in the arteries are fish, beans, leafy greens, Cruciferous vegetables, citrus fruits, oranges and onions.

Aspirin can and does reduce plaque in the arteries as aspirin helps to thin the blood which reduces risk of blocked arteries and plaque rupture.

Taking a daily aspirin can help to reduce the risk of stroke, blood clot and heart attack.

The supplement that removes plaque from the arteries are Omega-3 fish oil supplements which also help to reduce plaque buildup in the arteries and lower your risk of stroke, heart disease, blood clots and heart attacks.

Statins do dissolve the plaque in the arteries by lowering low-density lipoprotein cholesterol which is known as bad cholesterol in your blood.

They help to draw out cholesterol from the plaque and stabilize the plaque.

Exercise can help to unclog arteries and remove plaque buildup in the arteries.

Daily exercise can also prevent arteries from clogging up and prevent plaque build up in the arteries as the exercise keeps your blood flowing.

Changes in your lifestyle which include stopping smoking, managing stress, exercise and eating a healthy diet can help unclog arteries and reduce the size of atherosclerotic plaques.

Plaque in your arteries is made up of deposits of fatty substances, cholesterol, cellular waste products, calcium, and fibrin.

As the plaque in the arteries builds up, the artery walls become thickened and stiff.

Atherosclerosis is a slow, progressive disease that may start as early as childhood.

Although, it can progress rapidly.

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