Do you stop wearing your engagement ring after you get married?

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asked May 30, 2018 in Divorce & Marriage by Pradeepo (490 points)
Do you stop wearing your engagement ring after you get married?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered May 31, 2018 by Gracy (149,380 points)
Some people do stop wearing their engagement ring after marriage but some people follow a tradition of moving the engagement ring to the third finger on their left hand.

There's really no set rule as to what you have to do with the engagement ring but that's just what tradition has been is to wear it on the third finger on the left hand.
0 votes
answered Dec 21, 2022 by ericbaker (540 points)

The answer to this question depends on your relationship and situation. If you are in a long-term committed relationship with your fiance or spouse, then it is likely that you will continue to wear your alexandrite engagement ring even after getting married. If you are married but only have a civil partnership, then typically the ceremony will not confer any legal rights so you may choose to remove your ring after the fact. If you are just dating or engaged, it may be more appropriate to keep your ring on until the wedding day. 

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