How to Clean Really Tarnished Silver Naturally?

+1 vote
asked May 30, 2018 in Do it yourself by Pradeepo (490 points)
How to Clean Really Tarnished Silver Naturally?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jun 3, 2018 by Dex R (4,600 points)
You can clean Tarnished Silver using toothpaste and a washcloth to clean Tarnished Silver.

Rub the cloth over the Silver to clean the Tarnished Silver with the toothpaste until it shines.

If the silver is really Tarnished you can take a glass roasting pan and line it with Aluminum foil with the dull side of the aluminum foil facing down.

Then place the Silver Pieces on top of the Aluminum Foil then pour a quart of boiling hot water over the Silver and then add 2 tablespoons of baking soda to the boiling hot water and silver.

Let the Silver soak in this solution for up to 10 minutes or until the water becomes cool enough to touch it.

Then remove the silver from the soaking solution and then take a clean cloth and dry the silver.

You silver should be clean from all the Tarnish.

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