Does Nissan Titan have a good engine?

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asked May 23, 2023 in Car Makes by roastedrooster (1,060 points)
Does Nissan Titan have a good engine?

1 Answer

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answered May 24, 2023 by Wenja921 (31,000 points)
The Nissan Titan does have a good engine.

The Nissan Titan has a 5.6 liter V8 that produces 400 horsepower and 413 pound feet of torque.

The best years for a used Nissan Titan is either 2007, 2009, 2017, 2019, or 2020.

Newer vehicles tend to be more reliable than their older predecessors, and that's true for the Nissan Titan.

However, occasional model years didn't live up to expectations even though they're fairly new models.

The Titan Diesel failed because it was too expensive to add the 5.0 Cummins to the Titan and also because of various engine issues and the limited towing benefit over gas engine trucks is what caused the 5.0 Cummins to be retired after the model year 2019.

Nissan has become the latest manufacturer to confirm it will drop diesel engines from its line-up, as it pushes ahead with plug-in hybrid and fully electric alternatives.

Nissan will phase out diesel engines with new model launches, a spokesperson said.

Diesel cars and diesel engine vehicles do have higher MPG as diesel engines are much more fuel efficient than gas engines.

Diesel is also more energy dense than gasoline which means it has more energy per gallon than gasoline.

Diesels can achieve 25-30% better mileage than a gas engine due to the higher efficiency of diesel fuel,
while the direct fuel injection during the combustion process wastes little fuel.

If you mix premium and regular gas in a vehicle then the combined premium and regular gas will result in an octane level that is around somewhere in the middle.

The vehicle will be okay on the premium and regular gasoline mixture and no harm will be done to the vehicle.

If you put 87 or even 91 Octane gasoline in a 93 octane car then the engine could begin knocking and could also be damaged and you would void the vehicles warranty if you have a warranty on it.

If your car calls for 93 octane gasoline then you should use 93 octane gasoline when possible.

93 Octane gasoline does not increase MPG.

Unless your vehicle calls for 93 Octane gasoline then it's not worth it to buy the more expensive premium gasoline.

The cheaper gasoline will give you the same MPG as the premium gasoline and your engine will also be just fine.

Driving the speed limit and not speeding will help you save gasoline.

Good tires and proper tire inflation and proper tuneups will also help improve fuel economy in your vehicle.

A full tank of gas will last longer in that the full tank of gas will go further without having to stop as much to fuel.

However filling up your gasoline tank to full will not get you better fuel mileage.

But it's always a good idea to keep your gasoline tank full when you can to avoid running out of gasoline and to keep the fuel pump cool.

Some ways you can help improve your fuel mileage are.

Get a tuneup, change spark plugs, air filter, spark plug wires.
Inflate your tires to the proper pressures.

Go Easy on the Pedal. Speeding, braking, and rapid acceleration waste gas.
Slow Down. Gas mileage efficiency tends to decrease above 50 miles per hour.
Leave Extras at Home.
Use Cruise Control (When Appropriate)
Turn off the Car.
Check Tire Pressure.
Replace Spark Plugs.
Check the Alignment.

Monitor the traffic ahead and "time" stoplights to maintain momentum and avoid unnecessary acceleration and braking.

Observe speed limits. Fuel economy peaks at around 50 mph on most cars, then drops off as speeds increase.

Reducing highway speeds by 5 to 10 mph can increase fuel economy 7 to 14 percent.

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