Should my 8 year old son wear diapers at summer camp?

0 votes
asked May 18, 2023 in Camping/RV by funyesitis (140 points)
Should my 8 year old son wear diapers at summer camp?

4 Answers

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answered May 18, 2023 by paratom (9,090 points)
Yes, 24/7

[email protected]
0 votes
answered May 19, 2023 by AlmaColeman (440 points)

Does your son have any health problems?

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answered May 20, 2023 by cabbagehead (23,370 points)
If your 8 year old son has bed wetting problems or is incontinent during the day then yes your 8 year old son should wear diapers during summer camp.

I was a summer camp worker a few years ago and we had some 8 year old boys wearing diapers and we worked with them so they would not be embarrassed and helped them get changed in a private place.

They actually changed into their own diapers but we made sure they had a private place to change into.

They would leave the diapers in a room with us and then come and get them.

Your son is not the only kid at summer camp who will likely be wearing a diaper or pull up.
0 votes
answered May 20, 2023 by Pamperslover (25,840 points)
Yes your 8 year old son should wear diapers at summer camp.

Wearing diapers at summer camp will mean that he won't have to get up to use the toilet and can have much more fun as well without having to stop to pee or poop.

I would love to wear diapers at summer camp if I was 8 years old and it would be really fun.

If your 8 year old son wants to wear a diaper at summer camp or any time then he should.

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