Can hernia mesh be removed safely?

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asked May 11, 2023 in Other- Health by Prettyyowers (740 points)
Can hernia mesh be removed safely?

1 Answer

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answered May 12, 2023 by Shelde (49,390 points)
The hernia mesh can be removed safely when done by a hernia specialists via an open abdominal surgery procedure. robotic surgery or laparoscopic surgery.

Hernia mesh being removed may cause complications such as infections and hernia recurrence and chronic pain.

In most cases you can feel hernia mesh as most people who have a mesh plug for hernia repair often are able to feel the mesh plug.

While the feeling of the hernia mesh plug is not always painful it can cause some chronic pain issues which are likely caused by the shape and location of the mesh plug.

If you don't repair and treat a hernia the untreated hernia can increase in size and also become harder to manage and become more painful and uncomfortable and in severe cases the untreated hernia can become life threatening and kill you.

If it is left untreated, a strangulated hernia can lead to life-threatening conditions such as necrotizing enterocolitis (severe inflammation of intestine) and sepsis.

Because hernias can happen to anyone at any age, knowing warning signs of hernias and being aware of them are essential.

The warning signs of a hernia include.

An obvious swelling beneath the skin of the abdomen or the groin.
A heavy feeling in the abdomen that sometimes comes with constipation or blood in the stool.
Discomfort in the abdomen or groin when lifting or bending over.
A burning or aching sensation at the bulge.

You can travel 2 weeks after hernia surgery although it's best to wait at least 4 to 6 weeks after hernia surgery to travel to reduce the risk of DVT.

The prep that is needed for hernia surgery is to stop eating or drinking anything including water after midnight the night before the hernia surgery.

Before hernia surgery you'll need to keep your stomach empty and if you eat or drink anything after midnight before the hernia surgery it will be canceled.

Also take any regular medications and take them with small sips of water.

Your stomach will look flatter after hernia surgery as hernia surgery creates a flatter more functional muscular abdomen.

After hernia surgery you should walk at a gentle pace for around 15 minutes at least once per day.

You should avoid walking up hills or stairs and after a week or more you can begin walking once a day for up to 30 minutes a day at a reasonable walking pace.

The best surgery for hernia is surgical mesh hernia repair surgery which is very effective.

The use of mesh in the ventral incisional and inguinal hernia repair is considered to be the standard for care of hernias.

The long term effects of hernia surgery are mesh migration and hernia recurrence, infection, bowel obstruction, adhesions and chronic pain.

You can push to poop normally after hernia surgery but you cannot and should not push too hard to poop or strain and try to force a bowel movement after hernia surgery.

Forcing a bowel movement or straining to poop after hernia surgery could damage the repaired hernia.

It is OK to cough after hernia surgery but you should try to avoid coughing too hard or coughing vigorously especially if your hernia repair was done using the open method.

Coughing after hernia surgery can strain your incision so you should avoid coughing too hard until the incision site heals.

You can bend after hernia surgery but avoid bending too much.

You should wait at least 2 weeks before bending too far or twisting and at least 4 weeks before lifting anything heavier than 10 lbs.

The fastest way to recover from hernia surgery is to take a walk around and just simply moving around.

Getting up and moving around helps to speed up the recovery from hernia surgery and other surgeries as well.

After hernia surgery you will be mild to moderately sore and may feel a little run down as well which is normal during the recovery and healing process of the hernia surgery.

You may also feel twinges or pulling in the affected area as you heal from hernia surgery which is also normal.

Hernia surgery is so painful because it can result in injury to nerves, muscles and skin.

The pain after hernia surgery should go away within a few weeks to a few months but if the pain gets worse or does not go away you should see your doctor.

If you sneeze after hernia surgery your incision can hurt more than it has in several days before.

Sneezing after hernia surgery won't harm you although it can cause some pain and discomfort.

The pain meds that you get after hernia surgery are Hydrocodone, Norco and Vicodin.

These medications are Narcotic pain medications that are prescribed to help control pain after hernia surgery.

After hernia surgery you need to wait for at least 7 days before driving so you won't be feeling sedated and be distracted from the pain and effects of the medications.

Waiting a week after the hernia surgery before driving will prevent you from being distracted from the pain or the sedative and effects of the pain medications.

It's best to have someone drive you home after the hernia repair surgery.

You can ride in a car after hernia surgery although you may want to use a seat cushion to help prevent pain during the car ride.

Although you can drive and ride in a car and travel after hernia surgery without any issues.

It is OK to climb stairs after hernia surgery.

After hernia surgery it's okay to do physical activities such as exercise as long as it does not hurt and have sex, lift, climb stairs and walk.

And returning to normal activities after the hernia surgery as soon as you can is helpful in speeding up recovery from hernia surgery.

The Do and Don'ts after hernia surgery are.

Do take showers after the hernia surgery and avoid baths and also do care for your incisions and do follow any instructions on taking stool softeners.

Don'ts after hernia surgery are don't take a bath or get in a hot tub for at least 2 to 3 weeks.

Foods that are best to eat after hernia surgery are yogurt, chicken, rice, broiled chicken and toast.

Foods you cannot and should not eat after hernia surgery include breads, crackers, biscuits, chunky meats such as steaks and dry meals such as cold cuts.

Hernia mesh lasts indefinitely if it's the non absorbable hernia mesh while the absorbable mesh lasts for around 10 years to 20 years.

How long a hernia mesh repair lasts depends on the type of hernia mesh that is put in place.

There are a few different types of hernia mesh that are put into people.

Those two types of hernia mesh are absorbable hernia mesh and non absorbable hernia mesh.

If you have the non absorbable hernia mesh installed in your body it's meant to stay in your body indefinitely and never needs replaced.

If you have the absorable type of hernia mesh installed in your body then eventually it gets absorbed in your body and needs replaced.

If the hernia mesh is the absorbable hernia mesh it will last for around 10 years to 20 years but it can vary from person to person.

Non-absorbable hernia mesh will remain in your body indefinitely and is considered a permanent implant.

The hernia mesh is used to provide permanent reinforcement to the repaired hernia.

Absorbable hernia mesh will degrade and lose strength over time.

It is not intended to provide long-term reinforcement to the repair site.

The symptoms of hernia mesh problems and complications include.

    Pain and discomfort. Patients suffering from hernia mesh complications often report pain and discomfort near the abdomen, stomach, leg, groin, or testicles. ...
    Constipation or Bowel Obstruction.
    Erectile dysfunction.
    Hernia recurrence.

Hernia mesh complications include adhesion, bowel obstruction or perforation, infection, rejection and migration.

Patients have reported symptoms of pain, mesh failure and hernia recurrence following hernia repair surgery.

Hernia mesh problems can occur immediately after surgery or years later.

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