How long should tenants expect to wait for their landlord to make repairs?

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asked May 23, 2018 in Real Estate - Renting by Jorge65tr (380 points)
How long should tenants expect to wait for their landlord to make repairs?

1 Answer

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answered May 23, 2018 by Essmann (42,860 points)
Landlords legally in most states have up to 30 days to make repairs that aren't an emergency.

A landlord should make repairs sooner than 30 days if possible though and for emergency repairs the repairs should be done within the next day or 2.

If a landlord hasn't made a repair within 30 days then you may need to force the landlord to do so by taking them to court.

You can also withhold rent until the landlord does the repairs and you have things in writing stating the repairs will be getting done.

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