Can you put essential oils directly on your skin?

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asked May 17, 2018 in Body/Skin by derock (390 points)
Can you put essential oils directly on your skin?

2 Answers

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answered May 17, 2018 by Jodie (35,100 points)
Some people have put essential oils directly on their skin and said they had no problem but you should always dilute the essential oils with carrier oil, vegetable oil etc.

If you apply the essential oil directly to your skin you could get irritation or even burns from the essential oil.
0 votes
answered Mar 13, 2022 by y78se09 (7,330 points)
When applying essential oils to your skin you should always use a carrier oil to dilute the essential oils first.

Putting essential oils directly onto your skin can cause irritation and burns.

Dilute the essential oils first and then apply it to your skin to prevent burns and irritation.

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