Develop software

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asked Feb 15, 2023 in Employment & Careers by Daniel Joseph (120 points)
edited Feb 25, 2023 by Daniel Joseph

Where to find good developers to create an application?

4 Answers

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answered Apr 18, 2023 by Hilarysmith (1,520 points)
Software development as a process of improving the software quality. It is a manage process that is based on application of the whole or part of the development process models in many cases. All the processes that take place during the development of software are integrally important and if they are not followed correctly then they all can lead to failure, IT project to fail or hinder further development. The key steps in software development include problem identification, research, solution requirements, preliminary design, detailed design, coding, testing and maintenance. A wide range of failure occurs due to the lack of knowledge or poor understanding of software process model principles. Failure can occur at any stage and consequences can have a huge impact on time and budget costs. This can be prevented if there is full awareness about the specifics of any software process model principles that are being used. The following article discusses some commonly used software development methodologies.
0 votes
answered Apr 18, 2023 by Andrew_Clarkson (7,150 points)
Software development is an ongoing process that never truly ends. Whether you are at the stage where you are looking for funding to start a project, or want to develop the next big idea - is a trusted list of custom software development teams.
0 votes
answered Nov 30, 2023 by inessa8 (5,960 points)
In the fast-evolving landscape of publishing, Digital Publishing Software Development stands as a transformative force. This specialized software is designed to seamlessly transition traditional content into dynamic, interactive digital formats.
0 votes
answered Jul 30 by Iryna (140 points)

Finding skilled developers for your application can be streamlined by focusing on well-established resources. For guidance on where to look and how to effectively find the right developers, consider exploring tips on outsourcing app development.

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