What happened to Dgrendude?

+3 votes
asked Dec 20, 2022 in Kids Health by Chick-A-fil (440 points)
Back in October, I met a user on here by the name of Dgrendude, who said he has two young boys who love wearing diapers. His answer was posted in response to a question I asked about parents allowing kids to wear diapers for fun. I’ve been commenting on his answer and sending him private messages, but it always takes him an incredibly long time to respond, and I haven’t heard from him in over a month now. He did say that he’d been having trouble logging into Answerpail at one point, so maybe that has something to do with it.

If anyone would happen to know anything about this, please feel free to enlighten me. And Dgrendude, if you’re reading this, please respond or shoot me a DM. I really want to chat with you and your boys.


2 Answers

+1 vote
answered Dec 20, 2022 by diapermouse1 (8,370 points)
I haven't heard from him either nor have I heard from Pamperslover in awhile either.

Hope everyone is doing okay and hope both respond soon.

I miss them too.

Hope you're doing okay as well and have a happy new year.

To Dgrendude hope your boys are staying happily diapered.
+1 vote
answered Dec 20, 2022 by diaperedbottom (1,100 points)
I was wondering about them too.

I thought his sons were gonna sign up too and hope everything is okay.

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