How do I stop getting canker sores?

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asked Nov 26, 2022 in Body/Skin by check15th (720 points)
How do I stop getting canker sores?

1 Answer

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answered Nov 27, 2022 by Salmorejo (41,600 points)
To stop getting canker sores take Vitamin B12 supplements and increase your iron intake and calcium intake.

Also follow good oral hygiene and wash your mouth out with mouthwash daily and brush your teeth after meals and floss at least once per day.

The best medication for canker sores is Red Cross Canker Sore medication and Orajel for Mouth Sores.

Rinsing your mouth with medicated mouthwash or hydrogen peroxide and also taking antibiotics such as doxycycline can also help get rid of canker sores.

Clove oil can be used on mouth ulcers and it will help to numb the pain and also get rid of the bacteria and speed up the healing process of the mouth ulcer also known as a canker sore.

Things that kill canker sores fast and help get rid of the pain with the canker sores are milk of magnesia and hydrogen peroxide.

Medicine Mouthwash, clove oil and Ice can also help kill canker sores.

Listerine does help canker sores as Listerine when gargled or applied to the canker sore can help kill bacteria and prevent further infection.

The Listerine can help numb the pain from the canker sore as well and help the canker sore heal faster.

With daily treatment a canker sore can sometimes go away in 5 days but in most cases it takes at least 7 days for canker sore to fully heal.

It usually takes most canker sores between 7 to 10 days to heal although some canker sores may last for 2 to 3 weeks until they fully heal.

Larger canker sores take longer to heal than smaller canker sores.

When canker sores are healing they turn to a grey-white color as they are healing.

While anyone can get canker sores and everyone is prone to canker sores they are more common in some people than others.

The people that are more prone to canker sores are teens and people in their 20s.

Also women and people that are assigned female at birth are more likely than men and people assigned male at birth to get canker sores.

This is thought to be from hormonal changes.

Some reasons you could be getting canker sores everyday or too often is because of a vitamin B12 deficiency or even from certain foods such as spicy or hot foods, citric acid foods, chocolate and wheat.

Other causes of canker sores are biting your tongue or lip accidentally or from irritation from dentures or braces and even hormonal changes during pregnancy or menstruation.

The vitamin that helps canker sores is Vitamin B12.

Zinc, Iron and Folic acid can also help canker sores and may also prevent canker sores.

The deficiency that causes canker sores is a calcium deficiency as well as  a deficiency of iron, zinc and folic acid.

Canker sores can also be caused by biting your lip or tongue.

Major canker sores will look like large, round bumps inside your mouth and you will usually have severe pain, tingling, burning or inflammation and difficulty eating, speaking and drinking.

Most canker sores appear as round or sometimes oval in shape and have a white or yellow center with a red border.

Canker sores can appear inside your cheeks, lips at the base of your gums, on your soft palate or under your tongue.

The longest a canker sore can and should last is 14 days.

If the canker sore lasts longer than 14 days then it likely is infected or it may actually be something else such as oral cancer.

If you don't treat a canker sore then it will simply just heal on it's own.

Most canker sores will go away within 7 to 14 days even without treatment and canker sores are not contagious so they cannot be spread from person to person.

If the canker sore does not go away or heal on it's own within 14 days then you should see a doctor as it could be infected or it could in rare cases actually be oral cancer.

If your canker sore is not leaving and hasn't gone away within 14 days then the canker sore could be infected.

Or in rare cases the canker sore could be oral cancer and not a canker sore.

If the canker sores does not go away within 14 days you should see a doctor about it.

Canker sores can get bigger before they go away when bacteria gets into the canker sore and then continues to inflame and then the infection causes your canker sore to get bigger.

Most canker sores will heal on their own within 1 to 2 weeks after they form.

The white stuff in a canker sore is a mixture of bacteria and white blood cells as well as some other fluids and is basically residue from bacteria and dead tissue.

The reason canker sores are so painful is because the canker sore is an injury to the sensitive tissue inside your mouth and because the digestive enzymes and acids in the mouth constantly flow over the open wound which causes the pain.

Or if you eat foods the food comes into contact with the canker sore and causes pain and irritation especially if the food contains salt.

You can help ease the pain and speed up the healing of the canker sore by rinsing your mouth out with some salt water or baking soda rinse.

Dissolve a teaspoon of baking soda into 1/2 cup of warm water.

And rinse your mouth with it or even apply some of the mixture to the canker sore directly.

Also dabbing a small amount of milk of magnesia on the canker sore a few times a day can help ease the pain of the canker sore.

Clove oil is also another home remedy for treating canker sores.

Canker sores do not mean a virus although cold sores can mean a virus.

Canker sores are also called mouth ulcers and can result from irritation and certain foods that may have irritated the skin or even accidentally biting your lip.

And canker sores are not contagious and will go away within a week or two weeks with or without treatment.

You can apply some hydrogen peroxide to the canker sore to help it heal faster or even some mouthwash or use canker sore medicine.

Canker Sores are usually just a mouth ulcer and not a form of HPV.

Often there is no way to tell that you are infected with HPV. Infection may not cause any symptoms at all, or may cause simple mouth sores that resemble other forms of infection.

HPV most commonly appears as a wart, but it can have multiple appearances.

However, they are an outgrowth from the skin, whereas a canker sore is an ulcer, a hole in the lining of the mouth or tongue.

Mouth Ulcers can in rare cases be a sign of mouth cancer.

However in most cases mouth ulcers are not serious and are nothing to worry about.

Mouth cancer can develop in most parts of the mouth, including the lips, gums and occasionally the throat.

The most common symptoms of mouth cancer are: sore mouth ulcers that do not heal within several weeks.

unexplained, persistent lumps in the mouth that do not go away.

Mouth Ulcers also known as Canker Sores are most often caused by the following.

Accidentally biting the inside of your cheek.
Injury from a toothbrush (such as slipping while brushing).
Constant rubbing against misaligned or sharp/broken teeth.
Constant rubbing against dentures or braces.
Burns from eating hot food.

Stress or minor injury to the inside of the mouth is thought to be the cause of simple canker sores.

Certain foods including citrus or acidic fruits and vegetables (such as lemons, oranges, pineapples, apples, figs, tomatoes, strawberries)  can trigger a canker sore or make the problem worse.

Some ways to get rid of canker sores include gargling with salt water, gargling with apple cider vinegar, applying some hydrogen peroxide to the canker sore etc.

To help relieve pain and speed healing of a canker sore or mouth ulcer, consider these tips: Rinse your mouth.

Use salt water or baking soda rinse (dissolve 1 teaspoon of baking soda in 1/2 cup warm water).

Dab a small amount of milk of magnesia on your canker sore a few times a day.

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