Can you get a refund on Expedia hotel?

0 votes
asked Nov 25, 2022 in Lodging by klizabit (1,300 points)
Can you get a refund on Expedia hotel?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Nov 28, 2022 by 2021sucked (34,240 points)
You can get a refund on an Expedia Hotel reservation as long as you cancel the hotel reservation with Expedia within 24 hours.

You won't be charged for cancellation of the hotel with Expedia and will get a full refund.

To cancel hotel reservations on Expedia you can cancel hotel reservations using the Expedia app or by calling Expedia at 1-800-397-3342 — just make sure you have your reservation number handy, as you will need to enter it into an automated system.

You can cancel your trip on Expedia and even get a full refund if you cancel the trip within 24 hours of purchase.

Generally, you can cancel a flight booked through Expedia within 24 hours for a full refund.

Generally, changing a flight will result in you being charged fees by the airline.

You can also cancel hotel reservations using the Expedia app or by calling Expedia at 1-800-397-3342 — just make sure you have your reservation number handy, as you will need to enter it into an automated system.

Expedia is reliable for hotels and Expedia even guarantees your hotel room or you can get a refund.

Expedia makes it easy to book hotel rooms and get a cheaper hotel room than you would if you had just booked the hotel room by calling the hotel or showed up.

Expedia is not owned by is owned by Priceline Group while Travelocity, Trivago, Orbitz, Hotwire Group, and CheapTickets is owned by Expedia Group.

The travel booking websites that are not owned by Expedia are TripAdvisor, AirBnB, Priceline and Skyscanner.

Expedia's biggest competitor is

While is considered to be a competitor to Expedia they are actually the same company. is better for serving people in Europe while is better for bookings in the USA.

Although is also good for booking travel and hotels in the USA although primarily operates in Europe.

The best website to book a hotel is Expedia and

Other websites that are best for booking hotels are Kayak, Hotwire, Priceline, Travelocity, Orbitz, and

The cheapest travel website is Expedia and Skyscanner.

Other cheapest travel websites are Google Flights, Kayak, Momondo, Kiwi, Cheapoair and Agoda.

Expedia is located in Seattle on Elliot Bay.

The company that owns Expedia is Expedia Group Inc.

Expedia Groups websites, which are primarily travel fare aggregators and travel metasearch engines, include, Vrbo,,, Orbitz, Travelocity, trivago and

The company that owns Expedia is Expedia Group.

The company Expedia Group is an American online travel shopping company for consumer and small business travel.

Expedia Groups websites, which are primarily travel fare aggregators and travel metasearch engines, include, Vrbo,,, Orbitz, Travelocity, trivago and

Expedia Inc. is an online travel agency company that is owned by Expedia Group, an American online travel shopping company based in Seattle.

The website and mobile app of Expedia can be used to book airline tickets, hotel reservations, car rentals, cruise ships, and vacation packages.

Expedia Inc is owned and operated by Expedia Group.

Expedia is one of the world's leading full-service online travel brands helping travelers easily plan and book travel from the widest selection of vacation packages, flights, hotels, rental cars, rail, cruises, activities, attractions and services.

Travelocity is one of the largest online travel sites and has a long business history.

Like Orbitz it's an Expedia company as well so has a similar look to Orbitz and Expedia (along with the same great deals).

Expedia has been providing travelers with access to flights, hotels, and cars since the nineties–and they're still a strong contender today.

In fact, they're the biggest travel agency in the world.

Expedia is rated 4.4 out of 5, based on 140 reviews by employees on AmbitionBox.

Expedia is known for Company culture which is rated at the top and given a rating of 4.2.

However, Career growth is rated the lowest at 3.8 and can be improved.

Rather than booking directly through the airline, doing it through Expedia can save travelers money.

In many cases, Expedia can offer flight tickets cheaper than the airlines.

Because third-party services often get a bulk discount, they can sell their flight deals for less than the average ticket prices.

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