How long can a phone last in snow?

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asked Nov 21, 2022 in Cell Phones and Plans by Blassinggill (1,880 points)
How long can a phone last in snow?

1 Answer

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answered Mar 17, 2023 by 23rounds (16,410 points)
A phone can last for up to 5 minutes in snow.

The colder the weather the less time the phone will last.

If your phone was lost in the snow and cold for longer than 5 minutes then it likely has gone bad.

Phones including iPhone or Android phone's are not designed for freezing cold temperatures under 32 degrees.

This means that if not found soon enough then the phone might shut down or lose its charge quickly if you use it outside, even for a few minutes.

Be sure to keep your iPhone and Android phone warm so you can use it.

The longer your phone is submerged and wet the more likely you are to lose it forever.

Pick the phone up immediately, turn it off and take out the SIM card and battery (if it's a removable one).

Then Wrap your phone up in something soft - kitchen roll is ideal but if not your gloves will do.

If your phone was lost in the snow.

Rescue it without delay. It may seem obvious, but the longer you leave your phone submerged, the lower your chances of reviving it.
Dry the insides (if you have a removable battery).
Remove any water with the vacuum cleaner.
Search the house for silica to hopefully dry out the phone or use some rice.
Be patient.

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