How do you treat an oil burn?

0 votes
asked Apr 26, 2018 in Other- Health by piseman (340 points)
How do you treat an oil burn?

What can you put on an oil burn to treat the oil burn?

1 Answer

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answered Apr 26, 2018 by Lilly21 (57,780 points)
The best way to treat an oil burn is to put some Aloe Vera Gel on the oil burn to help soothe the burn.

The oil burn should go away within a week or two if you treat it daily with some Aloe Vera Gel or other ointment.

Before applying the Aloe Vera Gel you should run some cool water over the oil burn after the oil burn happens.

You should then cover the oil burn with a dry sterile bandage or dressing.

Never apply any butter to the oil burn as butter could make the oil burn much worse.

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