At what age stop mammograms?

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asked Nov 15, 2022 in Womans Health by Shauna789 (980 points)
At what age stop mammograms?

1 Answer

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answered Mar 15, 2023 by Zoey123 (24,130 points)
The age to stop mammograms is 75 years of age or if you have a limited life expectancy.

The age you should get your first mammogram is 35 years of age.

Things you should not do before a mammogram are consume coffee, chocolate or caffeine products for up to 2 weeks before the mammogram appointment.

Also before a mammogram you should not apply deodorant or wear a dress or one piece outfit and don't go right before or during your period.

When you're at your first mammogram appointment the mammogram technician will be the only one in the room with you and they will position your breasts one at a time on the exam equipment.

The mammogram tech will also walk away behind a shield and begin the mammogram.

Then each view will take a few seconds and you can expect up to 4 views which is one top to bottom and one side to side on each breast.

The images for the mammogram are captured in a digital system and sent to the breast imaging radiologists to review.

You will usually experience some pain as well but it's temporary and goes away within a day or so.

Mammograms are painful but the pain is not really all that bad and is worth it to detect any possible breast cancer or other issues.

A mammogram is so painful because of the test involving compressing the breast between two clear plates.

This can be painful and uncomfortable although the pain is temporary.

Your breast can hurt after a mammogram although it's temporary and it's also normal.

The age that a woman should have a baseline mammogram is at age 35.

The age you should get a baseline mammogram is 35 years of age.

It's recommended by doctors for a woman to have her first baseline mammogram at age 35.

Then after age 35 and the first baseline mammogram you should get yearly mammograms when you turn 40 and continue those yearly mammograms for as long as you live or at least until 65 or 70 years old.

But you certainly can get another mammogram as often as you want too or if you feel any lumps in your breast etc.

Breast cancer can come at any age although most cases of breast cancer come at age 50 or above.

Breast cancer usually will come at around age 50 years old.

However you can develop breast cancer at any age whether you're younger than 50 or even older than 50.

Even men can get breast cancer as it does not only affect women.

Things that increases your risk of getting breast cancer are genetics as well as being physically inactive and even being obese or overweight.

Diet can also be a factor in developing breast cancer if you eat an unhealthy diet.

Breast cancer when caught soon enough can be cured fully.

However some people who are cured of breast cancer have the breast cancer return in rare cases.

But breast cancer can be cured when caught soon enough and it's not always a death sentence when you have breast cancer.

Even men can rarely get breast cancer but breast cancer is more common in men.

Breast cancer can occur in women and rarely in men.

Symptoms of breast cancer include a lump in the breast, bloody discharge from the nipple, and changes in the shape or texture of the nipple or breast.

Treatment depends on the stage of cancer. It may consist of chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery.

Breast cysts can be caused by stress.

Hormones can also affect cyclical breast pain due to stress.

Breast pain can increase or change its pattern with the hormone changes that happen during times of stress.

Hormones may not provide the total answer to cyclical breast pain.

That's because the pain is often more severe in one breast than in the other.

If you have a cyst in the breast and you want it removed by a doctor the cyst can be drained using a needle.

If the breast cyst comes back, it may be evaluated again with mammogram and ultrasound, and it can be drained again.

Most breast cysts though go away on their own without treatment.

Most cysts on your breast do go away on their own if they are benign and non cancerous.

Usually the breast cysts will go away on it's own within a few weeks to a month but if not you may want to see a doctor about it.

When you have a cyst on your breast the cyst on your breast will usually appear as and look like smooth and easily movable, round or oval lump that can have smooth edges which typically means it's benign.

You may also have nipple discharge that may be clear, yellow, straw colored or dark brown in color.

Cysts on your Vagina can be caused by trauma or injury to your Vagina or just because of glands or ducts of your vagina becoming clogged which causes liquid or other material or fluid to collect inside.

Vaginal inclusion cysts are the most common.

These may form due to injury to the vaginal walls during birth process or after surgery.

Gartner duct cysts develop on the side walls of the vagina.

Surgical drainage may be required for infected or large cysts in order to remove their contents.

This is often done using local anesthesia or sedation, and can take place in the doctor's surgery.

A doctor makes a small incision in the cyst, which is then drained.

You can get cancer from a cyst as some cysts harbor cancer or are cancerous cysts.

However most cysts are non cancerous but in rare cases a cyst can be cancerous.

Some ways to get rid of a cyst include draining the cyst, having minor surgery to remove the cyst or even using laser removal to do laser removal of the cyst.

To get rid of a cyst at home you can use heat on the cyst.

Simple heat is the most recommended and effective home measure for draining or shrinking cysts.

Here's how it works: Heat can reduce the thickness of liquid in the cyst.

In the case of liquid-filled epidermoid cysts, this may help fluid drain quicker into the lymphatic system.

You should not pop a cyst as doing so can make the cyst worse and spread bacteria.

It can also be pretty hard to pop most cysts to begin but you should just wait and allow the cyst to go away on it's own.

Some types of cysts do go away on their own without any treatment.

Most cysts are non cancerous and nothing to worry about and go away within a week or 2 weeks.

However if the cyst does not go away within a few weeks or gets bigger aft that time then you should see a doctor to be sure it's not cancerous.

But the good news is that most cysts are nothing to worry about and non cancerous.

Cysts may feel like small peas below the skin or they may also be painless and also may be large and expand the skin and cause a large bump depending on where the cyst is.

You can tell and know if you have a cyst as the cyst will appear as a bump on your skin and the bump may be either a larger bump or smaller bump.

If the cyst is large, you may feel either a dull or sharp pain on one side of your pelvis or abdomen.

You may also feel bloated, or a heaviness in your lower abdomen.

If the cyst ruptures, you'll feel a sudden, sharp pain.

You can get cysts through trauma, injury and even through infections or they may just appear for no other particular reason.

Most cysts are actually nothing to worry about and go away on their own.

The Cysts usually appear as a result of blockage of the ducts

The type of cyst you have depends on where the cysts forms.

Some cysts can be internal (such as in a breast, the ovaries, or the kidneys) while others are external and form in visible locations on the body.

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