Is it better to buy Black Friday from an online store or a shop?

+1 vote
asked Nov 9, 2022 in UPS by yazd (390 points)

Do you shop on Black Friday?
Do you shop online?
Or do you buy from the store?

روز بلک فرایدی 1401

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2 Answers

0 votes
answered Nov 10, 2022 by wremchscrew (8,360 points)
For me I prefer to do my black Friday shopping online to avoid the crowds.

I used to go black Friday shopping in stores but it was to hectic even though I got good deals on items I wanted to purchase.

I find it much easier to shop Black Friday deals from the comfort of my home and have the items delivered.
0 votes
answered Nov 11, 2022 by ericbaker (540 points)

Black Friday is the day after Thanksgiving when people go shopping at stores to get great deals. Many people prefer buying their products online instead of going out to shops. But is it better to buy BlackFriday from an online store or shop?

The answer to this question is both yes and no. There are many advantages to buying online and some disadvantages too. So let's find out what are the pros and cons of buying online vs offline.

Pros of Buying Online

- You don't have to wait in long queues waiting to pay and get out of the store.

- You can easily compare prices before buying them.

- You can choose the product and size according to your requirements.

Cons of Buying Offline

- You need to spend time traveling to different places to purchase your desired products.

- You may not get exactly the right product you want.

- You may face problems while paying.

So if you ask me personally I would say that it is always better to buy online rather than offline.

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