Does sitting in the sun help with the flu?

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asked Nov 6, 2022 in Other- Health by Farranni (920 points)
Does sitting in the sun help with the flu?

1 Answer

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answered Jan 22, 2023 by Withoutbinds (9,540 points)
Sitting in the sun does help with the flu as the sun helps your body produce vitamins which are essential to a properly working immune system.

Getting out in the fresh air and sunlight can help speed up recovery from the flu or cold or other viruses or illnesses.

The stage of the flu that is contagious is in the beginning and during the first 3 to 4 days after the flu begins.

When you have the flu you should stay home for 4 to 5 days and you should also stay home with the flu until at least 24 hours have passed since your fever is gone.

You will know when the flu is gone when your fever is lower and your body aches have lessened.

Most flu viruses last between 7 days to 14 days.

You should stay home from work or school until the fever is gone for a few days and the body aches are away.

When the flu is gone you should also have no body aches or muscle aches and have your energy back.

The fastest way to get rid of the flu is to take Tamiflu within 48 hours before the onset of the flu symptoms to help you recover much faster.

Also staying hydrated, getting plenty of rest, taking some NyQuil and other flu and cold medicines can help you recover faster from the flu.

The 5 ways to fight the flu are.

Get plenty of rest.
Get plenty of Vitamin C and Vitamin D.
Get plenty of sunlight.
Stay hydrated.
Wash your hands often.

Also get the flu vaccine before the onset of the flu and take Tamiflu 48 hours before the onset of the flu to help you recover from the flu virus faster.

The 3 treatments for the flu are oseltamivir (Tamiflu), zanamivir (Relenza), and peramivir (Rapivab).

Other treatments for the flu are getting the flu shot to prevent the flu, get plenty of rest and stay hydrated.

To get rid of the flu without medicine you should increase your Vitamin C intake, gargle with warm salt water, take a steamy shower, eat chicken soup, sip on honey and tea, sleep and do Aromatherapy.

Also getting out in the sunlight for awhile when possible is another good way to recover from the flu without medicine as the sunlight helps increase vitamin production in the body which important for staying healthy.

Zinc does actually help with colds and when taking Zinc people usually recover faster from a cold than they would without taking Zinc.

Taking Zinc can help you feel better and help your body fight off the cold viruses.

Zinc lozenges and zinc syrup has been found to reduce the length of a cold viruses by at least a day in most people.

Getting enough vitamin C and Vitamin D is important to keep you healthy and help you recover faster from colds and flu viruses.

Vitamin C does help with the flu and increasing your Vitamin C intake boosts your immune system and helps you recover from the flu quicker and eases the symptoms.

Vitamin C is also good for colds and other viruses.

Vitamin D does help get rid of colds and can also help prevent colds when you get enough Vitamin D as well as Vitamin C.

Vitamin D and Vitamin C help to boost your immune system so your body can fight off infections and so it can help you recover from colds and flu viruses much faster.

The amount of vitamin D that you should take when you're sick is a 1-time 50 000 IU dose of vitamin D3 or 10 000 IU 3 times daily for 2 to 3 days.

The vitamins that help get rid of the flu are Vitamins D and Vitamin C.

The Vitamin that gets rid of the flu is Vitamin D as well as Vitamin C.

Vitamin D and Vitamin C are the vitamins that help boost your body's immune system and can also reduce the duration of the flu.

Increasing your Vitamin D and Vitamin C intake can sometimes prevent you from getting the flu and other illnesses and if you do get the flu or other illnesses you typically recover faster when you have enough Vitamin D and Vitamin C.

Vitamin D can be found in foods such as mushrooms, sardines, salmon, egg yolks and fortified foods.

Sitting out in the sun can help get rid of the flu and help your body recover faster from the flu and other illness.

The sun provides your body with needed vitamins and those vitamins boost your immune system so your body can fight off the flu and other viruses and infections.

If you're feeling up to it you should get outside in the sunlight as much as possible when you have the flu or are sick.

The fresh air is also good for you when you have the flu or other viruses.

Being cooped up indoors means you're around all those germs that you're breathing back in and by getting outside you help to rid your body of those germs.

The flu symptoms get worse at night due to less cortisol in your blood at night.

Cortisol is closely linked to the immune systems function and during the night your Cortisol levels are lower which prevents your immune system from working as good so the flu symptoms become worse at night.

As a result of the lower cortisol levels in your blood at night the white blood cells readily fight and detect infections in your body which causes the symptoms of the flu or other infections to come to the surface.

The flu cannot go away in 2 days although the symptoms of the flu can go away in 2 days.

The symptoms of the flu can go away within 2 days to 3 days although the flu itself will last for around 5 to 7 days.

You can do things to help ease the symptoms of the flu such as rest, take flu and cold medicine, increase your vitamin intake and stay hydrated.

However the flu itself cannot be cured but you should recover within 7 days although some flu viruses may linger for 14 days.

But you should get over the flu symptoms or at least the worst flu symptoms within 2 to 3 days.

However by drinking tea, orange juice and increasing your vitamin C and Vitamin D intake you can help yourself recover from the flu and begin feeling better sooner.

Also taking some NyQuil can help you sleep through the night and sleep is important for recovery from the flu.

If the flu is a 24 hour flu then you can usually get rid of the flu overnight.

However if the flu is the regular flu then it will take 5 to 7 days to get rid of the flu and begin feeling better.

Although some things you can do to help you recover from the flu faster include getting plenty of rest, taking some cold and flu medicine, staying hydrated, use a humidifier in your room and eat some foods such as toast, rice, applesauce or chicken and noodle soup.

Symptoms of the flu can appear quite suddenly and intensely, so it is common to be fine one day and then be out of action the next day with the flu.

The most severe symptoms generally last 2 to 3 days – the start of the flu is when the infection is at its worst, so the symptoms are at their most severe.

You can die by the flu although it's rare.

People often mistake the flu for a bad cold, since flu symptoms mimic a cold.

When you catch the flu, you might experience coughing, sneezing, runny nose, hoarse voice, and a sore throat.

But the flu can progress into conditions like pneumonia, or worsen other chronic issues like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and congestive heart failure, which can quickly become life-threatening.

The Flu can directly lead to death when the flu virus triggers severe inflammation in the lungs.

When this happens, it can cause rapid respiratory failure because your lungs can’t transport enough oxygen into the rest of your body.

The flu can also cause your brain, heart, or muscles to become inflamed.

This can lead to sepsis, an emergency condition that can be fatal if not immediately treated.

If you develop a secondary infection while you have the flu, that can also cause your organs to fail.

The bacteria from that infection can get into your bloodstream and cause sepsis, as well.

In rare cases you can die from the flu and if the flu does not get better within 14 days or the flu symptoms are getting worse then go to the hospital or urgent care to get checked out.

Most cases of the flu though are nothing to worry about and go away within 7 to 14 days.

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