How long should you wait to take a shower after tanning?

+1 vote
asked Apr 20, 2018 in Body/Skin by Camiesam (230 points)
How long should you wait to take a shower after tanning?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Apr 20, 2018 by Jodie (35,100 points)
Depends on what kind of tan you get. For a spray tan you should wait at least 8 hours after getting the spray tan to take a shower.

But if you're getting a tan in the sun or from a tanning bed then there's no need to wait any amount of time to take a shower.

If the tan is from a tanning bed or the sun you can take a shower at anytime. The only time you need to wait around 8 hours after getting a tan is if you get a spray tan.

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