How can I fatten up my dog?

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asked Nov 1, 2022 in Dogs by 23rounds (16,450 points)
How can I fatten up my dog?

1 Answer

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answered Nov 1, 2022 by Wendell (41,840 points)
You can fatten up your dog by feeding them meats such as chicken, hamburger, steak, eggs and other high protein foods.

Another way to fatten your dog up is to feed the dog high protein based dog foods including Bully max dog food which is approved for all dog breeds.

The dog food that has the most protein is Crave Beef Recipe High protein dog food, Pedigree High Protein Beef and Lamb, Crave Chicken Dog Food and Bully Max Dog Food.

The best dog food for dogs with food allergies is Diamond PRO89, Bully Max 3/20 High Protein & Fat Dog Food and Pure Balance Pro + Sensitive dog food.

The best dog food for bullies dog breed is Bully Max Dog Food.

Bully Max dog food can help your Bully dog put on weight and muscle and help them stay healthy.

Bully Max raises your dogs immune system function which makes your dog safer from infections and also raises the dogs metabolism and vision.

The Bully Max dog food also helps to provide proper bone nourishment and raise tendon strength.

The Bully Max muscle supplements also improve muscle and bone nourishment.

Bully Max dog food also helps your dog put on muscle and weight.

Bully Max dog food is safe for dogs that are at least 7 weeks of age or older.

You can feed Bully Max dog food to all dog breeds and not just Pit Bulls.

Bully Max dog food is not a steroid and is all natural.

Each serving of Bully Max dog food is packed with two weight-gaining powerhouses: whey protein and fish oil.

Together, these ingredients help even the scrawniest dogs to pack on pounds fast.

Bully Max Performance Dog Food earns The Advisor's top rating of 5 stars.

Give Bully Max to your dog every day, for 30 days, as instructed on the label.

For best results, have your dog complete the workouts below 3 times per week.

Results are seen within the first 3 weeks of using Bully Max.

The longer you use the product, the more results your dog will get.

To speed up the muscle building process, it's recommended to combine Bully Max with Gorilla Max or using Bully Max tabs with Bully Max High Performance Dog Food.

Bully Max supplement is an ultra-effective muscle building pill that helps in promoting muscle growth and improving the overall health of the dog.

Gorilla Max, on the other hand, offers high-quality protein per scoop to achieve maximum muscle growth and size.

Both are excellent, but Bully Max offers better results.

All Bully Max supplements are compatible with raw and kibble dog foods.

You can mix them directly into a large batch, or add them to an individual raw meal.

When you stop using Bully Max, your dog will maintain the results they gained while using the product.

Your dog will not experience weight loss or muscle loss.

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