Can I use my Chase Freedom Card internationally?

+1 vote
asked Apr 18, 2018 in Credit by Volksted (440 points)
Can I use my Chase Freedom Card internationally?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Apr 18, 2018 by Adf289 (60,750 points)
You can use your Chase Freedom Credit Card or any other credit cards internationally.

But be aware that you might be charged what is called a foreign transaction fee for the use of the credit card when it's used overseas.

If you can get approved for the Chase Sapphire Reserve card then that would be a good credit credit card to use overseas or internationally.

The Chase Sapphire Reserve credit card can be used overseas without incurring any foreign transaction fees.

However the Chase Sapphire Reserve credit card does have an annual fee of $450.00 but it's well worth it.

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