How do I get approved for weight loss surgery?

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asked Oct 31, 2022 in Weight Loss/Dieting by realnaps (900 points)
How do I get approved for weight loss surgery?

2 Answers

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answered Nov 30, 2022 by JorelFlorke (12,420 points)
To get approved for weight loss surgery you'll need to be under the age of 70 and have a body mass index of 35 or higher or have a body mass index of between 30 to 25 and have an obesity related condition such as high blood pressure, severe sleep apnea, diabetes or heart disease.

The weight limit for weight loss surgery is less than 450 lbs as that is the maximum amount of weight that the hospitals radiology equipment can handle.

The cut off age for gastric sleeve surgery is 70 years old.

You must be between the ages of 16 to 70 years old as well as morbidly obese and weigh at least 100 lbs over your ideal weight and have a BMI of 40.

Gastric weight loss surgery is not painful although the recovery for gastric weight loss surgery can be painful as your incision heals.

The best surgery for weight loss is gastric bypass weight loss surgery.

Bariatric surgery itself is not painful although you may experience some pain after the bariatric surgery which can be very painful.

However the pain should go away within a few days to a few weeks as you recover.

After weight loss surgery it takes on average of 3 to 5 weeks to fully recover after the weight loss surgery.

The larger the cut the weight loss surgery requires the longer the recovery time.

The kind of weight loss surgery that is the safest weight loss surgery is Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy weight loss surgery.

The 3 weight loss surgery options are Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, Biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch and Sleeve Gastrectomy.

The newest weight loss surgery is endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty which is a newer type of minimally invasive weight-loss procedure in which a suturing device is inserted into your throat and down to your stomach.

The endoscopist then places sutures in your stomach to make it smaller.

The three types of weight loss surgery are.

Sleeve Gastrectomy weight loss surgery.
Bilopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch weight loss surgery.
Roux-en-Y gastric bypass weight loss surgery.

The fastest weight loss surgery is Lap band weight loss surgery which is the least invasive weight loss surgery procedure and has a fast recovery time.

Lap band weight loss surgery can be performed in just 30 to 60 minutes and on an outpatient basis.

The best weight loss surgery is gastric bypass surgery which helps people lose the most amount of weight.

Gastric bypass weight loss surgery is a technique in which the stomach is divided into a small upper pouch and a much larger lower "remnant" pouch and then the small intestine is rearranged to connect to both.

Some people do have to lose at least 10 percent of their weight before weight loss surgery can be done.

Some weight loss surgery patients need to lose 15 to 20 lbs of their weight before weight loss surgery to reduce risk of complications.

The safest weight loss surgery you can have is Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy weight loss surgery.

Weight loss surgery is safe although it does have some complications that can occur.

For most people though they come out of weight loss surgery without any issues.

After gastric bypass weight loss surgery you should lose between 1 to 2 lbs of weight per week.

Some complications that can occur after weight loss surgery are Dumping syndrome, a condition that can lead to symptoms like nausea and dizziness · Low blood sugar · Malnutrition · Vomiting.

After gastric bypass surgery the amount of weight you will lose is between 1 to 2 lbs of weight per week or around 25 lbs to 50 lbs in 6 weeks.

The most successful weight loss surgery is gastric bypass weight loss surgery.

The Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy weight loss surgery is the most widely used, and safest, in the bariatric world.

As with any major surgery, gastric bypass and other weight-loss surgeries pose potential health risks, both in the short term and long term.

The cost of weight loss surgery ranges from $14,000.00 to $24,000.00 depending on how much weight loss you want to achieve and what type of weight loss surgery you want performed.

Gastric Bypass weight loss surgery is one of the cheapest types of weight loss surgeries.

Gastric bypass is tied for the lowest-cost procedure if you have insurance that covers bariatric surgery.

Without insurance, it has the 6th lowest average total cost.

Weight Loss surgery is worth the risk and worth it.

Weight Loss surgery is pretty safe as long as your overall health is good.

If you want to quickly lose weight then weight loss surgery is the best option if you can afford it.

The average cost of weight loss surgery is between $14,000.00 to $23,000.00 depending on the type of weight loss surgery you have.

Weight loss surgery is paid out of pocket though unless the weight loss surgery is needed for medical issues.

Weight loss surgery has some risks but the risks of weight loss surgery are pretty low and only around 1 percent of people do die from weight loss surgery so that's a very small percentage.

The weight loss surgery does help you be healthy after you lose the weight as well.

The risks are very low so I would say that in my opinion that it's worth it to have weight loss surgery if you need to lose weight fast.

Yes gastric bypass surgery is considered to be major surgery.

Weight loss surgery and gastric bypass weight loss surgery can help you lose weight which prevents heart disease, heart attacks, strokes, diabetes etc.

But the gastric bypass surgery does come with some risks which your doctor should let you know about.

Death can occur after gastric bypass surgery but it's very rare and only around 1 percent of patients die after having gastric bypass surgery.

Yes you can sometimes gain weight back after gastric bypass surgery.

However only around 40 to 50 percent of gastric bypass surgery patients gain weight back and usually it's just a small amount of weight that they gain back.

Most people who do have gastric bypass surgery for weight loss keep the weight off without any issues.

So it can be worth the cost to have gastric bypass if you have the money to do so.

Having gastric bypass weight loss surgery helps you lose weight a lot faster than just dieting.

Although still dieting and exercising helps you keep healthy along with losing weight.

The average cost of gastric bypass surgery is between $14,000.00 to $24,000.00 depending on how much surgery you need as well as who does the gastric bypass surgery.
0 votes
answered Jan 10, 2023 by Lawssons (860 points)

The process of getting approved for weight loss surgery can vary depending on the type of surgery, your insurance coverage, and the criteria set by your healthcare provider.
An important thing to keep in mind is that weight loss surgery should not be considered a quick fix, it's a serious procedure that requires extensive preparation and a lifetime commitment to lifestyle changes.
A good place to start would be consulting with a healthcare professional, such as a primary care physician, endocrinologist, or a bariatric surgeon. They can help you evaluate your overall health and determine if weight loss surgery is the right choice.
Another great resource you can check is where you will find information about the different types of weight loss surgery, the requirements for each, and the risks and benefits of each procedure, as well as a list of qualified bariatric surgeons in your area. They also have some information about insurance coverage and financing options.
Remember that weight loss surgery is just one piece of a larger puzzle and success ultimately depends on your willingness to make lasting lifestyle changes.

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