What age does the face change the most?

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asked Nov 1, 2022 in Body/Skin by 1130am (1,160 points)
What age does the face change the most?

2 Answers

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answered Dec 30, 2022 by 10nee (3,330 points)
The age that the face changes the most is in your 40's and in your 50's.

While your face is constantly changing from the time you're born until the time you die, your face is changing the most once you turn 40 and 50 years old.

You will begin noticing more facial changes by age 30 and then notice even more facial changes when you turn 40 and above.

Plastic Surgery can change your face and chubby cheeks can undergo a reduction, those without dimples can have them added, and thin cheeks can be plumped up, which can make a distinct change to someone's features.

Plastic Surgery does make you age faster in some cases.

Plastic Surgery procedures like facelift and eyelid surgery are designed to “turn back the clock” (generally by about 7-10 years).

The key to effective yet natural-looking facial rejuvenation is the skill and experience of the plastic surgeon.

The long term effects of plastic surgery include.

Abnormal scarring due to skin breakdown.

Separation of the surgical wound, which sometimes requires additional procedures.

Numbness and tingling from nerve damage, which may be permanent.

Plastic Surgery does not shorten your lifespan and a study has actually suggested that plastic surgery may add at least 10 years to your life span.

Plastic Surgery does not take years off your life and actually having plastic surgery can add years to your life.

According to a study done woman or anyone who has plastic surgery can add up to 10 years to their lifespan.

A rhinoplasty does last a lifetime when it's done properly.

Cosmetic surgeries that are permanent include rhinoplasty, otoplasty, and chin implants.

Cosmetic Surgery is usually permanent unless you have surgery to reverse it.

However cosmetic injections are temporary such as Botox.

Facial augmentation like rhinoplasty, otoplasty, and chin implants should provide you with lifelong improvement.

This is because these procedures alter your facial structure, which does not naturally change with time.

Cosmetic surgery typically lasts forever once you have the cosmetic surgery done.

The cosmetic surgery itself takes around 1 to 6 hours depending on how much cosmetic surgery is needed.

Cosmetic surgery is not good as there's a risk of disfigurement and infections and abnormal skin breakdown and scarring.

Sometimes cosmetic surgery requires the removal of a lot of skin and tissue.

This can lead to issues with wound healing or even tissue death. Other risks and complications include: Infection.

Infection at the incision site, which may worsen scarring and require additional surgery.

Fluid buildup under the skin.

Mild bleeding, which may require another surgical procedure, or bleeding significant enough to require a transfusion.

Abnormal scarring due to skin breakdown.

Cosmetic Surgery rarely goes wrong.

Out of 100 percent of patients who have cosmetic surgery performed on them only 1 percent of those cosmetic surgeries go wrong or result in complications or permanent disfigurement.

When plastic surgery goes really wrong, the result can be permanent pain, disfigurement due to severe scarring or asymmetry, paralysis, or even death.

It's a sad fact that people do lose their lives every day as a result of something going wrong during or after surgery, and plastic surgery is no exception.

Cosmetic Surgery is pretty safe when done by a cosmetic surgeon who knows what they are doing and are licensed and certified.

However if you use a non certified or cheaper cosmetic surgeon to do the cosmetic surgery then it can be much more risky.

If you do get cosmetic surgery you should research the cosmetic surgeon and don't always go for the cheapest price.

Make sure the cosmetic surgeon as qualifications and is experienced.

With that said all surgeries, including cosmetic procedures, carry risk.

If your body mass index is 30 or higher (obesity) or you have diabetes, you might be at higher risk of developing complications such as blood clots in the legs or lungs.

Smoking also increases risks and interferes with healing.

The BBL has been cited by the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (BAAPS) as having the highest rate of death for any aesthetic procedure, with as many as one in 3,000 patients dying as a result of the surgery.

Cosmetic procedures rarely result in death, but liposuction involving large volumes of fat is one of the highest-risk practices.

Procedures involving more than six liters of liposuction usually require a blood transfusion, which can dramatically increase the associated risks.

A new study suggests women who have facelifts might live up to 10 years longer than women who don't get the plastic surgery.

Studies have shown that people report increased satisfaction with the body part they had surgery on, but results are mixed on whether plastic surgery boosts their self-esteem, quality of life, self-confidence and interpersonal relationships in the long term.

Since cosmetic surgery is not medically necessary health insurance won't pay for it.

Cosmetic surgery is paid out of pocket which can be expensive.

Although an exception to that rule is that if you suffer an injury and need cosmetic surgery to repair a face etc that was damaged in an accident such as a car accident, fire etc then health insurance usually pays for that cosmetic surgery.
0 votes
answered Mar 17, 2023 by Richardo (1,340 points)

You know, everyone has different skin types, faces and genetics, so everyone ages differently. However, if you are showing signs of aging, you can visit the Rejuvenation Med Clinic website and sign up for rejuvenation services. This beauty clinic employs experienced specialists who will select for you an individual course of rejuvenation procedures that will suit your skin type and appearance.

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