What brand of compression socks is best?

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asked Oct 29, 2022 in Other- Health by mindboard (1,400 points)
What brand of compression socks is best?

2 Answers

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answered Nov 29, 2022 by Ifallasleepatwork (17,100 points)
The brand of compression socks that are the best are Figs Compression Socks and Physix Gear Compression Socks.

SockWell Graduated Compression socks and Dr. Scholl's compression socks are also good brands of compression socks.

Compression socks do change your blood pressure as when you wear compression socks they lower your blood pressure and also help to regulate your blood pressure.

When your legs ache after wearing compression socks it's most often a result of poor fitting compression socks that are too tight.

While you want the compression socks to be tight, you don't want the compression socks to be too tight which can create aches and pain in the legs and lead to poor circulation.

When you wear compression socks that are improperly fitted they can cause temporary dents on the skin and redness.

The negative effects of compression socks are skin irritation or skin damage which may lead to tingling, redness, itching, bruising,

And if the compression socks are ill fitting they can lead to decreased blood flow.

It is OK to wear compression socks every day and all day if you want too.

When you have poor circulation in the legs and feet wearing compression socks every day can help reduce the swelling and promote blood circulation.

You can wear compression socks up to 3 to 5 times before washing them.

As long as they are not overly dirty or sweaty you can go 3 to 5 times of wearing them between washing the compression socks.

When you wear compression socks it can take a few days for the compression socks to begin working at reducing the swelling.

And then it can take a few more days and up to a week or 2 weeks in some cases to see the swelling in the feet and legs go down when wearing compression socks.

Complete improvement of the swelling in the legs and feet may take up to 6 weeks when wearing compression socks.

When you wear compression socks the fluid is then picked up by the lymphatic circulation and then returns to the blood stream.

The reason your legs fatigue so quickly and your legs feel tired is because your blood is not circulating through the body and your legs properly.

Poor circulation affects the lower part of your body most often because it's harder for the blood to flow upwards toward the heart.

And then blood can collect in your legs, feet and ankles and lead to tired and fatigued legs.

When you elevate your legs the fluid goes back towards your heart and gets circulated through to the rest of the body.

When your leg is swollen and you raise the leg higher than your heart, the force of gravity will be moving the fluid in your leg towards your heart.

And the more the swelling and the longer there has been swelling, the longer and more frequently your need to elevate your legs.

You can fix poor circulation in your legs by going for a walk daily, get moving, walk around the house, go for a bicycle ride, do stretching exercises, get up from sitting and walk around, wear compression socks, massage the legs.

Without treatment you can live for up to 5 years with blocked arteries in the legs although with treatment you can live 10 to 20 years.

Blocked arteries in legs and other parts of the body are serious and need medical treatment as blocked arteries prevent proper blood flow through your body.

When the blood flow is blocked off it can lead to stroke, heart attacks and even death.

Having a blocked artery in your leg you will usually feel a pain or a burning feeling and have a tired feeling in your legs and buttocks when you walk.

You may also have shiny and hairless foot skin that can get sores.

The symptoms of a blocked artery in your leg or legs include.

Coldness in the lower leg or foot, especially when compared with the other side.
Leg numbness or weakness.
No pulse or a weak pulse in the legs or feet.
Painful cramping in one or both of the hips, thighs or calf muscles after certain activities, such as walking or climbing stairs.
Shiny skin on the legs.

The most common vascular disease is Peripheral artery disease and carotid artery disease.

The symptoms of vascular disease are.

Changes in the skin, including decreased skin temperature, or thin, brittle, shiny skin on the legs and feet.
Weak pulses in the legs and the feet.
Gangrene (dead tissue due to lack of blood flow)
Hair loss on the legs.
Wounds that won't heal over pressure points, such as heels or ankles.
Numbness, weakness, or heaviness in muscles.
Burning or aching pain at rest, commonly in the toes and at night while lying flat.
Restricted mobility.
Thickened, opaque toenails.
Varicose veins.

Vascular disease includes any condition that affects your circulatory system, or system of blood vessels.

This ranges from diseases of your arteries, veins and lymph vessels to blood disorders that affect circulation.

Blood vessels are elastic-like tubes that carry blood to every part of your body.

Cardiologists do deal with vascular disease as well as help treat vascular disease.

A heart doctor is called a cardiologist which is a doctor that treats and specializes in diseases of the heart and cardiovascular system which are mainly the heart and blood vessels.

A heart surgeon or cardiac surgeon is the type of surgeon that does heart surgery such as open heart surgery.

The reason they leave the chest open after open heart surgery is for low cardiac output.

This is also known as delayed sternal closure after cardiac operations.

Delayed sternal closure (DSC) is defined as delaying the sternal closure either as a principal method or after failure of one or several trials of closure at the end of the operation.

The long term effects after having open heart surgery are blood clots, kidney problems, trouble thinking clearly and memory loss.

Not everyone will experience these issues after open heart surgery but they are some long term effects that can occur to some people after open heart surgery.

Bleeding at the site of surgery or from the incision is the most common complication after having open heart surgery.

The most common complication after open heart surgery is bleeding which usually occurs from the incision or surgery site.

During the open heart surgery and recovery in the hospital you'll be monitored closely and your progress will be tracked.

The ribs are not broken for open heart surgery but the ribs are cut and then moved around and out of the way to gain access to the heart to perform the open heart surgery.

During open heart surgery your heart is worked on inside of your body and not removed.

During open heart surgery you'll be connected to a heart and lung bypass machine or a bypass pump during the open heart surgery.

Your heart is stopped during open heart surgery and while connected to this machine.

The surgeon will open your heart and work on it and then seal it back up and then restart the heart.

The machine you're connected too keeps you alive as it does the work of your heart and lungs while your heart is stopped for the open heart surgery.
0 votes
answered Nov 23, 2023 by BlackDiamond (2,020 points)

Determining the best brand of compression socks often depends on individual preferences and needs. However, popular choices like "Sockwell" and "Zensah" are well-regarded for their quality and effectiveness. For personalized recommendations, consider consulting a brand activation agency in Lahore for insights into emerging brands and market trends.

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