Is bowel resection surgery painful?

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asked Oct 28, 2022 in Diseases Conditions by Postauidit (1,200 points)
Is bowel resection surgery painful?

2 Answers

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answered Nov 28, 2022 by FGjple (8,970 points)
You should not experience any pain during bowel resection although you might feel some slight pain for a few days after the bowel resection but it should not be overly painful and you'll usually be given painkillers to help with the pain.

Bowel resection surgery is not painful although after the bowel resection surgery and during recovery you may feel some slight pain but it should go away within a few days or a week.

Bowel surgery is a major operation as it involves removing part of your intestine and there's a risk of complications although bowel surgery is also very safe.

Bowel surgery takes between 1 to 4 hour and most often you need to stay in the hospital for 5 to 7 days after the bowel surgery.

The doctor may want to keep you in the hospital longer after bowel surgery if you had a large amount of intestine removed during bowel surgery.

You can live a normal life after bowel resection surgery as many people go on to live normal and healthy long lives after having bowel resection surgery done.

Bowel resection surgery is a very serious surgery and is considered major surgery.

The bowel resection surgery is surgery that is done to remove a portion of your small or large intestine, when it has been damaged by Crohn's disease.

During the bowel resection surgery, the diseased section of your intestine is removed and the two healthy ends are joined together.

After bowel resection surgery you should feel better after 1 to 2 weeks and will probably be back to normal in 2 to 4 weeks.

And your bowel movements may not be regular for several weeks and you may have some blood in your stool.

After bowel resection surgery you may have pain that comes and goes for the next few days after bowel surgery.

And you might also have bowel cramps, and your cut (incision) may hurt.

You may also feel like you have influenza (flu) and may have a low fever and feel tired and nauseated.

Small bowel resection is used to treat: A blockage in the intestine caused by scar tissue or congenital (from birth) deformities.

Bleeding, infection, or ulcers caused by inflammation of the small intestine from conditions such as Crohn disease.

Most people have a successful colon resection procedure and go on to live full and comfortable lives.

If there is an underlying disease, of course, continuing treatment may be necessary.

The after effects of bowel resection surgery include infection, bleeding, blood clots, damage to nearby organs, or leaking from the joins between the remaining parts of the bowel.

You will be carefully monitored for any side effects afterwards.

Following colon resection surgery, you should plan to be in the hospital between three to five days.

Once you pass gas, the surgical team will usually clear you to return home.

Bowel resection can be permanent or temporary.

After removing both the colon and the rectum (proctocolectomy), the surgeon may use a portion of your small intestine to create a pouch that is attached to your anus (ileoanal anastomosis).
0 votes
answered Jun 23, 2024 by AngieSmit (29,590 points)
Bowel resection surgery is not painful although you may experience some pain as you recover.

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