What are 3 common injuries to the low back?

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asked Oct 26, 2022 in Other- Health by ristomiley (620 points)
What are 3 common injuries to the low back?

2 Answers

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answered Nov 24, 2022 by Crazytoaster (28,370 points)
The 3 common injuries to the low back are fractured vertebra, herniated or bulging disc and sprains and strains.

To recover from a fall takes around a few weeks to as long as 3 to 6 months depending on how bad the fall is and your age.

For the elderly it takes longer to recover from a fall than it does for a younger person to recover from the fall.

Also it can be that your body is trying to recover and heal itself after a fall which takes energy and makes you feel tired.

The 3 types of falls are accidental falls, Physiological (Unanticipated) and Physiological (Anticipated Falls).

You should go to the ER for a fall if you fell and hit your head, have broken a bone, have skin disruption or you have severe back pain.

Usually strains, sprains and fractures from falls can be treated by a walk in clinic or your primary care doctor.

The most common slip and fall injuries are concussions, shoulder, elbow and wrist injuries, knee and ankle injuries, severe cuts and lacerations, forms of TBI, neck injuries, spinal cord injuries and broken bones.

You can claim compensation for a fall if the fall was a result of a business or companies or persons negligence.

If you fell and hurt yourself and it was a result of negligence such as a wet or slippery floor, broken steps, hole in the ground etc then you can claim for the slip and fall.

The psychological effects of a fall on an older person is it puts them at fear of falling gain and causes lack of confidence in balance and decreased self efficacy.

Doctors ask if you have fallen recently as there could be hidden injuries that you may not be aware of that could show up later.

Also falling recently puts you at risk of falling again so the doctor does not want you to hide that you have fallen.

Around 50 percent of people who fall will fall again within 6 months later.

The most common slip and fall accidents are.

Wet floors.
Broken or missing steps and loose floor boards.
Inadequate lighting.
Stairs and staircases without handrails.
Snow and ice accumulation on walkways and sidewalks.
Cluttered walking surfaces.
Broken or uneven sidewalks.
Uneven floors.
Waxed or recently mopped floors.

Slip and fall cases are hard to win because there may be no actual evidence that something caused you to slip and fall.

Slip and fall cases typically relay on the victim's first hand account and testimony from witnesses if they were present at the time of the slip and fall.

If there's video evidence of the slip and fall accident then the case can be easier to win.

The average payout for a slip and fall settlement is $300,000.00 although it can payout as high as $800,000.00 in some cases.

A slip and fall case can sometimes be settled in as little as 1 day or it may take several months.

The losing party of the slip and fall case may prolong the case by filing an appeal.

What is required under Florida's slip rule is you must prove that you slipped on a substance and the fall occurred on someone else's property and the substance that you fell on created a dangerous condition.

Things that can cause a person to slip and fall are.
Ice or wet floors.
Spilled liquids.
Recently mopped or waxed floors.
Uneven surfaces.
Loose mats, rugs or loose floorboards.
Toys on the floor such as skates or even skateboards or toys on stairs.

If you slipped and fell you should wait a minute or so and then try to get up slowly if you can.

Start by trying to get up from your side and then on your knees then sit in a chair if possible.

If you cannot get up and have a phone call 911 for help.

Also see a doctor or go to urgent care to get checked out.

After a fall you should watch for any vomiting, abnormal behavior, loss of consciousness, severe headache or stiff neck, unequal pupil sizes or excessive sleepiness.

Most fatal falls occur in homes or nursing homes as well as at Job Sites.

Around 80 percent fatal falls occur in middle and low income countries and regions of the Western Pacific and South East Asia accounts for 60 percent of the fatal falls.

Most slip and fall accidents occur in shops, shopping malls, grocery stores and restaurants.

Other common places where slip and falls occur are at home, at job sites, in the office, stairs, elevators, escalators, parking lots and sidewalks.

The symptoms from a slip and fall are nausea, dizziness, back pain, leg pain, arm pain or headache depending on where and how you fell.

If you feel unenergized after a slip and fall and hit your head then you may have a head injury or concussion.

Injuries that can be sustained from a slip, trip or fall are back injuries, broken back, broken, hips, head injuries, broken angle, sprained ankle, broken foot, broken arm or broken wrist.

You can also get brain injuries from a fall where you hit your head.

The three types of falls are.

Accidental Falls.

Anticipated falls.

Unanticipated falls.

You should worry about back pain after a fall if the back pain gets worse or does not improve within a few weeks or lasts longer than 6 weeks.

If you fell or had a bad fall or got into a car crash or other trauma and have back pain you should seek medical attention or if you have bowel or bladder control problems after the back injury or fall.

When you slip and fall on your back it can cause a disc in your back to rupture and cause the softer inner portion of the disc in your back to herniate.

When this happens it leads to pressure on the surrounding nerves which can result in intense or moderate pain or tingling and numbness as well as muscle weakness.

Your body aches after a fall because your nerves become irritated and they begin to swell up and the body does what it can to protect the damaged areas.

The inflammation and swelling after a fall can build up and can also irritate the nerves around your muscles and lead to pain.

After a fall you are usually sore for around 5 to 7 days.

If your pain does not go away within a week after the fall you should seek medical attention or if the area feels numb or you become unable to walk, move your legs or arms.

You could've damaged your muscles or joints.

Sometimes you may experience the pain right away or soon after the fall and sometimes the pain may not show up until a few days or even weeks later.

If you fall you should get checked out because you could be injured and not know about it for awhile.

Injuries usually hurt more a week later due to swelling and because your body is still healing.

When you suffer an injury, swelling usually worsens over the first two to four days.

It can then last for as long as three months as the body attempts to heal itself.

If the swelling lasts longer than this, your physical therapist or doctor may need to take a closer look to determine the cause of the delayed healing.

After an injury or accident the back pain can occur within minutes or immediately after the accident or the back pain may not occur until a few days or even weeks later.

The organs that can cause lower back pain are.

Large Intestines.



And your Kidneys.

Lower back pain can be caused by issues such as.

Kidney infection.
Kidney stones.
Ulcerative colitis.
Gynecological disorders such as endometriosis and fibroids.

When your bladder and your lower back hurt it is most likely because you have kidney stones or stones in the ureter which is the tube that connects the kidney to the bladder.

The three most common causes of bladder pain are interstitial cystitis, urinary tract infection, and bladder cancer.

The bladder and kidneys are located towards the lower abdomen, with back muscles and nerves sitting directly behind them.
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answered Nov 14, 2023 by Allert (4,980 points)

The spine is divided into 4 main sections: cervical, thoracic, lumbar and sacral. The lumbar region is located at the base of the spine above the lesser sacral region. It is especially important to monitor the health of women. On the website https://gynekologit.net/ you can find out where you can find gynecological services in Finland.

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