How can you tell if you have syringomyelia?

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asked Oct 18, 2022 in Diseases Conditions by Blackbiden (5,850 points)
How can you tell if you have syringomyelia?

1 Answer

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answered Oct 19, 2022 by Loutink (2,830 points)
The common signs and symptoms of syringomyelia include.

    Muscle weakness and wasting (atrophy)
    Loss of reflexes.
    Loss of sensitivity to pain and temperature.
    Stiffness in your back, shoulders, arms and legs.
    Pain in your neck, arms and back.

Although a Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is the most reliable way to diagnose syringomyelia.

The spinal tract that is affected in syringomyelia is the upper thoracic spinal cord and the cervical.

Syringomyelia can cause scoliosis and Scoliosis is quite commonly associated with syringomyelia.

The life expectancy of someone with syringomyelia is around 47 years although some people have lived longer.

Syringomyelia can cause tremors as tremors can be a clinical manifestation in people with syringomyelia.

Syringomyelia pain is a burning, piercing and tingling pain.

The pain with syringomyelia can affect your hands and arms as well as neck and shoulders and the pain is most often slowly progressive and rapid onset pain.

Things you should not do with syringomyelia include straining, flexing your neck and heavy lifting which can trigger the syringomyelia and make it worse.

To know for sure if you have syringomyelia an MRI should be done to diagnose the Syringomylia condition.

The signs and symptoms of syringomylia are.

Pain in your back, arms and neck.


Stiffness in your back, arms, legs and shoulders.

loss of sensitivity to pain and temperature.

Loss of reflexes.

Muscle weakness and wasting also known as atrophy.

Syringomyelia does qualify someone for disability if they meet certain requirements.

Syringomyelia can affect the bulbar muscles which connect to the brain stem and control vital functions such as breathing, swallowing, and speaking.

You can qualify for disability benefits if you have significant impairments with these functions.

The drugs and medicines that are used to treat syringomyelia are ibuprofen, acetylsalicylic acid, naproxen, indomethacin, mefenamic acid, and piroxicam.

The condition syringomyelia is a neurological disorder which is characterized by a fluid-filled cavity (syrinx) within the spinal cord that extends to involve the lower brainstem (medulla).

Around 21,000 people in the world have syringomyelia.

It's estimated that 1 out of 18000 Americans have syringomyelia.

Syringomyelia happens when the cerebrospinal fluid, which usually flows around the outside of your brain and spinal cord, collects inside your spinal cord and forms a fluid-filled cyst (syrinx).

Syringomyelia is the development of a fluid-filled cyst (syrinx) within the spinal cord.

Syringomyelia is not very common and affects only every 8 out of 100,000 people.

Syringomyelia also accounts for up to 5 percent of paraplegia or paralysis of the legs and low body.

Syringomyelia is a rare disease and condition.

Syringomyelia affects approximately eight out of every 100,000 people, and men are more at risk than women (for reasons unknown).

The average age of onset of syringomyelia is about 30 years of age.  

There are broadly three types of syringomyelia.

Syringomyelia causes the development of a fluid-filled cyst in the spinal cord.

As the cyst enlarges over time, it may cause muscle atrophy, loss of reflexes, and loss of sensitivity to pain and temperature.

One estimate places the incidence at 8.4 individuals per 100,000 in the general population in the United States.

Syringomyelia is considered to be a rare condition, and early estimates suggested that approximately 21,000 individuals were affected with this condition.

And given the current estimates on U.S. population size from the recent census, this figure would suggest that about 1/18,000 Americans have syringomyelia.

In some people, syringomyelia can progress and lead to serious complications.

Others have no symptoms.

Possible complications as a syrinx enlarges or if it damages nerves within your spinal cord include: An abnormal curve of your spine (scoliosis)

Avoid doing anything that worsens your symptoms.

For many people with syringomyelia, heavy lifting and straining can trigger symptoms, so avoid these activities.

Also, avoid flexing your neck.

Syringomyelia is included in the SSA's Blue Book of disabling conditions under Medical Listing 11.19.

According to this listing, a patient will qualify for Social Security Disability benefits if they are suffering from a case of syringomyelia that meets certain qualifying criteria.

Some cases of Syringomyelia are familial, although this is rare.

Congenital syringomyelia (also known as communicating syringomyelia) is most often caused by a Chiari malformation and resulting syrinx, usually in the spine's cervical (neck) region.

Symptoms typically begin between the ages of 25 and 40 years.

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