What are side effects of Metamucil?

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asked Oct 18, 2022 in Other- Health by produ788 (1,360 points)
What are side effects of Metamucil?

1 Answer

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answered Oct 18, 2022 by Havingsaid (14,830 points)
The side effects of Metamucil are bowel obstruction, diarrhea, abdominal cramping and bloating, nausea and vomiting and gas or passing gas.

Metamucil is a fiber supplement. Introduced in 1934 by G. D. Searle & Company, Metamucil was acquired by Procter & Gamble in 1985.

The name is a combination of the Greek word for change and the class of fiber that it utilizes.

Metamucil is used to treat constipation.

Taking metamucil increases the bulk in your stool, an effect that helps to cause movement of the intestines.

Metamucil also works by increasing the amount of water in the stool, making the stool softer and easier to pass.

The reason you would take Metamucil is to help soften your stool, relieve your constipation and also keep your bowels clean and your colon clean.

The Metamucil contains fiber which can help you poop when you're constipated and it works to keep your colon cleansed as well.

The side effects of taking Metamucil include, irritation, rectal pain, mild diarrhea, cramps, intestinal gas and nausea.

The side effects are mostly gastrointestinal side effects and usually not too severe.

If you notice those side effects when taking Metamucil then you may be taking too much of the Metamucil or you may be allergic to it.

Metamucil is safe for long term use.

There's no harm in taking Metamucil long term or daily to help keep you regular and help give you the fiber you need.

The Metamucil can help with constipation and help keep you from becoming constipated.

My Grandma took Metamucil long term and everyday should have some Metamucil to keep her bowels moving and she had no health issues from taking the Metamucil.

The Metamucil also helps soften your stools so that you can go easier so if you have hard poop the Metamucil can help add more water content to the poop which makes it easier for you to poop.

If you're straining to poop then taking some Metamucil can help make it easier for you to go poop.

I take Metamucil a few times per week because I can't stand to take it everyday and don't need too anyway.

But if you want to take Metamucil everyday and long term you certainly can do so.

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