Why am I so pale all of a sudden?

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asked Oct 17, 2022 in Body/Skin by chitoskito (1,860 points)
Why am I so pale all of a sudden?

1 Answer

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answered Nov 12, 2022 by Glorybee (14,280 points)
You can become so pale all of a sudden due to anemia, lack of sleep or even fear.

Most cases of pale skin can be caused by anemia which means you have low iron or it can also be caused by a reduced blood flow and reduced oxygen or even a decrease in the number of red blood cells.

Blood infections and even frostbite can also cause pale skin.

When you have pale and dull looking skin it can be because of mineral and vitamin deficiencies or even anemia.

Also smoking and drinking too much alcohol could lead to dull and pale skin.

Looking pale and feeling light headed can be caused by anemia, lack of sleep, heat exhaustion or even anemia.

Lack of sleep or sleep deprivation can cause pale skin as well as fine lines and wrinkles and also droopy corners of your mouth.

People who are sleep deprived also look sadder as well as fatigued.

Anemia can also cause pale skin.

Pale skin and fatigue is most often caused by anemia.

Although pale skin can also be caused by dehydration but when you're also fatigued with the pale skin it's a common sign of being anemic.

Having pale skin can be a sign that you have a shortage of normal red blood cells (anemia), which means that less oxygen is delivered to your body.

This can be from a nutritional deficiency, blood loss, or a blood cancer like leukemia.

Other causes of pale skin include low blood pressure or infection.

Dehydration can cause pale skin as pale skin as well as mottled skin is a sign of severe dehydration in adults and children.

Pale skin can also be a sign of frostbite and cold temperatures or even anemia.

The 5 signs of dehydration are.

Peeing little and fewer than 4 times per day.
Dry mouth, dry eyes and dry lips.
Feeling Tired.
Dizziness and being lightheaded.
Dark Yellow and strong smelling pee.

Also feeling thirsty and blurred vision is another sign of dehydration.

The organs that are affected by dehydration are the heart, skin, kidneys, muscles and brain.

Dehydration that is not treated can be deadly if it gets severe enough so it's important to seek medical attention when you're severely dehydrated and also drink plenty of water and other hydrating liquids through the day to prevent dehydration.

You can get hydrated quickly by drinking water, juice, tea or by eating watermelon.

You should always drink water and other hydrating drinks before you get thirsty to prevent dehydration.

In severe cases of dehydration you will need to seek medical attention but less severe cases of dehydration can most often be fixed by drinking plenty of water and hydrating fluids.

Drinks that are good for dehydration are water, juice, tea, green tea, coffee, pear juice, apple juice, carrot juice and other fruit and vegetable juices.

Water is the best drink for dehydration and drinking water through the day before you get thirsty can help to prevent dehydration.

The more water you drink the healthier you will be so you should try drinking 4 to 5 cups of water per day or at least a few glasses of water per day to also help keep your kidneys healthy.

It's best to not drink water soon after you eat as the water dilutes the digestive juices which slows down the digestion of the food.

After drinking water you should pee within 1 hour to 2 hours although some people may pee after 30 minutes.

If you're sweating then you may pee less as you lose the fluid through your sweat.

After drinking water it usually takes 1 hour to 2 hours to pee.

If you're sweating more then it may take longer to pee after drinking water as you lose some of the water through sweat which means less water turns into pee so you pee less.

When your pee is clear like water it's a sign that you're over hydrated and drinking too much water or other liquids.

It's good to be properly hydrated but drinking too much water can be unhealthy as well.

Usually though the pee that is clear like water is not a cause for concern and your pee should return to normal once you stop drinking as much water.

Clear pee is good as it's a sign that your kidneys are healthy, your urinary tract is healthy and a sign that you're hydrated.

However if your urine becomes too clear it can be a sign that you're drinking too much water.

With diabetes you may pee more than 8 or 9 times per day.

Most people pee between 4 to 7 times per day but it can be normal to pee more than that even without health issues.

One of the most common early signs of diabetes is a need to pee more often during the day.

But it can also happen at night.

When there's too much sugar in your blood, which happens if you have diabetes, your kidneys have to work harder to get rid of it.

This forces them to make more urine.

Holding your pee for an hour should not cause any issue other than being painful.

However if you hold your pee longer than an hour or hold your pee too long it can weaken your bladder and also cause bladder infections and Urinary Tract Infections.

When you feel like you have to pee after you already peed and you have no pain you most often have an Overactive Bladder.

OAB, causes a frequent and sudden urge to urinate that may be difficult to control.

You may feel like you need to pass urine many times during the day and night, and may also experience unintentional loss of urine (urgency incontinence).

When you feel like you have to pee and only have a little pee come out it means you either have a bladder infection, Urinary Tract Infection, or even an enlarged prostate.

Overactive bladder (OAB) is a “gotta go now” feeling.

You have the urge to pee even though your bladder isn't full.

OAB can lead to a condition called urinary incontinence where you leak urine.

The longest someone has gone without peeing is 26 hours.

After that time the person would release the urine even when they tried to hold back.

Your bladder can hold 24 ounces of urine before it explodes if you don't release the urine.

However your bladder would naturally release the urine in the bladder after 10 hours or so before the bladder exploded.

Some people can go up to 10 hours without urinating.

However if you haven't urinated within 8 to 10 hours then you may be dehydrated.

Oliguria is a medical term for low urine output (how much you pee).

In the case of an adult, this means less than 400 milliliters (mL) to 500 mL (around two cups) of urine per 24 hours.

The numbers depend on weight in terms of children and infants.

Peeing 20 times a day can be normal for some people and for others peeing 20 times or more per day could be an indication of a health issue that should be checked out.

For most people, the normal number of times to urinate per day is between 6 – 7 in a 24 hour period.

Between 4 and 10 times a day can also be normal if that person is healthy and happy with the number of times they visit the toilet.

Regularly urinating more than seven times per day may be normal for some people and may not be a sign of a health problem.

It is normal to pee every 30 minutes.

Some people pee more often than others which is normal and healthy although some people who pee too much may have an overactive bladder.

However the more you drink the more you'll need to pee.

You may need to pee every 30 minutes to an hour or you may not need to pee until after every 2 to 3 hours.

If you drink things such as caffeinated coffee then you may need to pee every 10 to 20 minutes which is normal.

Benign prostatic hyperplasia is the most common cause of urinary retention.

Other common causes of urinary retention include prostatitis, cystitis, urethritis, and vulvovaginitis; receiving medications in the anticholinergic and alpha-adrenergic agonist classes; and cortical, spinal, or peripheral nerve lesions.

Urinary retention is a condition in which you cannot empty all the urine from your bladder.

Urinary retention can be acute a sudden inability to urinate, or chronic a gradual inability to completely empty the bladder of urine.

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