Leopard Geckos make very good pets as they are small and have very little care requirements which makes them easy to care for.
Also leopard geckos can be left alone for several days without worry and they are also quiet and don't smell or need lots of attention.
A leopard Gecko is not very expensive and most leopard geckos cost between $30.00 to $100.00 and at most pet stores they are usually no more than $50.00 for a leopard Gecko.
To keep a leopard gecko, you should budget for around 20 pounds (thirty dollars) a month, having spent an initial amount of between 200 and 300 pounds (three to five hundred dollars).
When keeping a leopard Gecko you should also allow for having to replace items whenever they get damaged or show signs of wear.
The friendliest lizard is the Bearded Dragon Lizard.
Other lizards that are the friendliest lizards are the Black and White Tegu Lizard and the Leopard Gecko Lizard.
The best lizard to handle is the bearded dragon and the Argentine Black and White Tegu Lizard.
The cheapest lizard to own is the Green Anoles lizard which are small and around 5 to 8 inches long adn also have a lifespan of around 3 to 6 years.
A Green Anoles lizard costs around $10.00 each and sometimes less.
The least maintenance lizard is the Leopard Gecko and the Bearded Dragon.
The easiest lizard to take care of is the Bearded Dragon Lizard and the Crested Gecko.
The best lizard for a pet is the Leopard Gecko and the Bearded Dragon.
Other good lizards as pets are Fat Tailed Gecko, Crested Gecko, Blue Tongued Skink and the Black and White Tegu.
The best pet lizard for a kid is the leopard Gecko.
Leopard Gecko lizards are best pet lizards for kids as they require basic care and are also amenable to handling although they are prone to bouts of speed and can easily runaway.
The smallest lizard as a pet is the Virgin Islands dwarf gecko.
The Virgin Islands dwarf sphaero, Virgin Gorda least gecko, or Virgin Islands dwarf gecko is a species of gecko and also one of the smallest terrestrial vertebrates.
It has only been found on three of the British Virgin Islands: Virgin Gorda, Tortola, and Moskito Island.
A Komodo Dragon is not the same as a monitor lizard although they are similar.
The smartest lizard is the monitor lizard.
Monitor lizards are lizards in the genus Varanus, the only extant genus in the family Varanidae.
They are native to Africa, Asia, and Oceania, and one species is also found in the Americas as an invasive species.
About 80 species of monitor lizards are recognized.
Monitor lizards will generally run away from people.
The monitor lizard does not prey on humans but will defend themselves if threatened.
Monitor lizards also can make an intimidating hissing noise and often lash with their tail to protect themselves.
Their claws and teeth can also inflict nasty injuries, which are prone to infection.
The common name Monitor is from the Latin verb 'monere' meaning 'to warn'.
This was given to these lizards because of their habit of standing up on their hind legs, as though they are monitoring their surroundings. So the scientific name simply means 'many-colored lizard'.
Monitor lizards can make an excellent pet for the right person, but they are a much different experience than owning a pet like a dog or a cat.
Keeping a monitor lizard takes patience, learning new skills, and adequately caring for them daily.
Young lizards that are well trained grow up to be gentle-tempered adults that enjoy being held.
Monitor lizards are also intelligent and engage with their owners in ways that remind you of dogs or cats.
Lizards are an extremely large and diverse group of highly successful reptiles found throughout much of the world, and as with chelonians and other reptiles, have evolved and developed intelligence and high cognitive abilities to be able to quickly and successfully upon hatching or birth.
A more controversial emotion in reptiles is the concept of pleasure, or even love.
Many feel that they have not developed this emotion, as it does not naturally benefit them.
However, most reptiles do seem to recognize people who frequently handle and feed them.