The youngest person to become a lawyer was a 16 year old boy named Baccus who graduated law school at the age of 16 in 1986 and became the youngest person ever to graduate from an American law school.
The easiest lawyer to become is an Estate planning lawyer and a legal clerk.
Estate planning lawyers is the most stress free lawyer practice although Estate planning lawyers deal in a field that is associated with death so many lawyers avoid Estate planning.
Trial lawyers and medical lawyers as well as IP attorneys get paid the most.
A criminal defense lawyer is a lawyer specializing in the defense of individuals and companies charged with criminal activity.
The Juris Doctor, or JD, is the most common degree conferred by law schools.
All American Bar Association approved law schools usually require 3 years of full-time study to earn a JD.
Some law schools also offer part-time programs that generally take 4 to 5 years to complete.
Only a very few law schools and colleges accept potential student candidates with an undergraduate GPA of 3.49 or lower.
Most prestigious law schools require a GPA of 3.85 or higher.
You need to put in the necessary work throughout the program if you want to succeed.
In summary, law school is hard.
Harder than regular college or universities, in terms of stress, workload, and required commitment.
But about 40,000 people graduate from law schools every year–so it is clearly attainable.
These are the two basic requirements you need to apply to any U.S. law school.
Finish high school and obtain a four-year undergraduate degree at a college or university.
You cannot go straight from high school to law school.
Take the Law School Admissions Test (LSAT).
The type of lawyer that gets paid the most is a Medical lawyer who earns an average annual salary of $150,000.00 while an IP attorney earns around $140,000.00
Trial attorneys earn around $101,000.00 and Tax attorneys earn around $99,000.00 and Corporate Lawyers earn around $98,000.00
So if you want to be a lawyer and earn the most money then I would recommend becoming a Medical lawyer.
A Medical Lawyer is a lawyer that deals with Medical Lawsuits such as Malpractice.
As a Medical lawyer you need to have very extensive knowledge in Medical Standards and Laws including the guidelines that govern ethical and professional conduct in the medical field.