What does it mean to call someone a tartar?

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asked Oct 9, 2022 in Words & Wordplay by tintyourtits (1,480 points)
What does it mean to call someone a tartar?

1 Answer

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answered Nov 2, 2022 by ClaytonNCs (2,390 points)
Calling someone a tartar means to call them a person of irritable or violent temper.

A person who is a tarter has a violent temper or an irritable temper.

Tatar, also spelled Tartar also any member of several Turkic-speaking peoples that collectively numbered more than 5 million in the late 20th century and lived mainly in west-central Russia along the central course of the Volga River and its tributary, the Kama, and thence east to the Ural Mountains.

If you describe someone in a position of authority, as a tartar, you mean that they are fierce, bad-tempered, and strict.

A Tartar in this context is someone who is domineering, bossy, overbearing.

It's a Britishism and quite old.

An example of calling someone a tarter would be.

A a rather large and masculine woman who wears slutty clothes usually reserved for attractive smaller women and possesses a very large penis.

If you describe someone, especially a woman in a position of authority, as a tartar, you mean that they are fierce, bad-tempered, and strict.

Or for example you might call your mom a tartar when she has a violent temper against you when you get into trouble or do something you're not supposed to do.

An example sentence of calling someone a tartar would be.

When I came home last night after being out drinking my mother was such a tartar and went into a rage and I got the spanking of my life and yelling of my life from her so that I would never do that again.

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