How long can a baby go without a bowel movement?

+1 vote
asked Apr 7, 2018 in Baby/Newborn by Regna (280 points)
How long can a baby go without a bowel movement?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Apr 7, 2018 by Christeen (70,120 points)
If the infant is older than eight weeks old it's normal for the eight week old or older infant to go as long as 4 to 5 days without having a bowel movement.

Breastfed babies can even go as long as a week without having a bowel movement as long as they're 2 to 3 months old.

If the baby hasn't gone poop after a week then they're likely constipated. But if it hasn't been a week yet then I wouldn't worry as it's very normal for a baby to not poop that often.

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