Do fireworks expire?

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asked Sep 30, 2022 in Holidays by Jacupq4 (24,440 points)
Do fireworks expire?

1 Answer

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answered Oct 13, 2022 by Wendell (43,370 points)
Fireworks do not expire as they are made up of gunpowder and the chemicals in gunpowder do not break down in the fireworks as long as they do not get damp.

As long as you store the fireworks in a cold and dry environment the fireworks can last a long time.

You can get silent fireworks although they are not completely silent.

But the silent fireworks do not produce very much sound.

Low noise fireworks are fireworks that don't produce loud bangs.

An example of a low noise firework would be fountain fireworks.

Or sparklers are low noise fireworks.

The law on letting off fireworks can vary from state to state.

However the general rules of the law of setting off fireworks is that you may set off fireworks from July 1st to July 4th.

However some places allow you to set off fireworks on July 5th.

You must not set off fireworks after 10:00 PM from July 1st to July 3rd and on July 4th you must not set off fireworks after midnight.

You cannot set fireworks off anywhere.

Fireworks can only be set off on private property and in locations that don't prohibit them.

You cannot set off fireworks in cities and towns that prohibit them or on public property.

It is illegal to set off fireworks after midnight in Kansas as well as other states.

Before July 4th you can set off fireworks until 10:00 PM and on July 4th you can set off fireworks until 12:00 am and after that time it becomes illegal to set off fireworks.

On July 4th you have to stop shooting fireworks in Kansas at midnight or 12:00 AM.

Before July 4th you have to stop shooting fireworks in Kansas at 10:00 PM

You can start shooting fireworks in Kansas starting June 27th until July 5th.

After July 5th it becomes illegal to shoot off fireworks in Kansas.

In the state of Kansas you can buy fireworks as late as July 5th.

After July 5th it's illegal to shoot off or sell or buy fireworks in Kansas.

Sky lanterns are illegal in Kansas and setting sky lanterns off in Kansas can get you fined.

You can shoot off fireworks in Wichita from July 1st through July 4th.

The fireworks that are illegal in Wichita KS are sky lanterns, bottle rockets, rockets mounted on a stick or wire or any other device containing rockets.

M80s are also illegal in Wichita KS as well as other places in Kansas.

In Shawnee County Kansas you can shoot off fireworks between 10:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m. on July 3 and July 4.

Fireworks are legal in Shawnee KS although bottle rockets, M80s and sky lanterns are not legal in Shawnee KS.

Fireworks are not legal in Olathe Kansas.

It's illegal to possess, sale or use fireworks in Olathe Kansas.

You can report illegal fireworks use in Olathe by calling 913-782-0720

Fireworks are not legal in Desoto Kansas.

The city of Desoto Kansas prohibits the sale, storage, use, fire, discharge of any fireworks.

Fireworks are not legal in Ottawa Kansas although they sometimes make an exception for public display fireworks shows.

But consumer grade fireworks are illegal to shoot off and possess or sell in Ottawa Kansas.

Fireworks are not legal in Louisburg Kansas.

According to Louisburg Kansas city ordinance Fireworks prohibited.

(a) It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to possess, keep, store, display for sale, fire, discharge, or explode any fireworks within the City except as is provided in Section 7-303.

You can ship consumer grade fireworks to Kansas or other states.

Because consumer grade fireworks are legal under Federal Law for consumers use it is lawful to legally ship fireworks anywhere within the United States.

Bottle Rockets as well as M80s are illegal in the state of Kansas.

It's illegal to sell, shoot off or possess any bottle rockets or M80s in the state of Kansas.

Fireworks except for bottle rockets or M80s are legal in Wichita Kansas.

You can't shoot off bottle rockets or M80s in Kansas.

In Wichita, the sale or use of fireworks labeled “shooting flaming balls” is not permitted.

Firework sparks higher than six feet are also not permitted.

Violations of the city ordinance can result in a $250.00 ticket plus court costs.

Fireworks are not legal in Johnson County KS.

It's illegal to possess, sell, purchase or shoot off any fireworks in Johnson County KS.

Fireworks are not legal in Lenexa Kansas.

Under the Lenexa City code of Article 3-6-B fireworks are prohibited within the city of Lenexa Kansas to prevent injures, protect lives and prevent property damage.

Fireworks are illegal in Overland Park KS.

In Overland Park KS it's illegal to discharge, possess or purchase any fireworks.

Fireworks are legal in Topeka although some types of fireworks are illegal in Topeka.

Topeka's fireworks ordinance bans the use of metal sparklers, as well as any fireworks prohibited by federal or state laws.

The discharge of fireworks is lawful in the City of Topeka on July 3, from the hours of 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m., and on July 4 from 10:00 a.m. to 11:59 p.m.

Discharge on any other day or during any other times is unlawful.

Fireworks in Butler County Kansas can be shot off starting June 27th through July 5th.

According to Butler County ordinances you can shoot off fireworks in Butler county Kansas from 8:00 AM to 10:00 PM from June 27th through July 3rd.

And then on July 4th you may shoot off fireworks in Butler County KS from 8:00 AM to midnight.

Then from 10:00 AM to 10:00 PM on July 5th.

After July 5th you can no longer legally shoot fireworks off in Butler County KS.

To buy fireworks in Kansas you must be at least 16 years of age or older.

However some types of fireworks do require you to be at least 18 to buy but you can purchase some fireworks in Kansas if you're at least 16 years of age.

If you're under 16 then you cannot buy fireworks in Kansas.

Sky Lanterns are not biodegradable.

Although most sky lanterns claim to be biodegradable they are in fact not biodegradable and take years to break down.

Sky lanterns are also a fire hazard as well as they can catch things on fire if they come into contact with a flammable surface.

You cannot light or release sky lanterns just anywhere as most cities and towns prohibit the use of sky lanterns due to them being a fire hazard.

If you're way out in the country then you can light sky lanterns as long as you're away from other homes and places.

But most cities and towns have laws against the use of sky lanterns.

Floating lanterns also known as sky lanterns burn for around 6 minutes to 20 minutes.

The floating lantern or sky lantern can reach heights of 3,000 feet and eventually the floating lanterns come back to the ground.

However the floating lanterns or sky lanterns may still be burning some when it comes back to the ground.

So you have to be careful with the floating lanterns or sky lanterns as they could start a fire if they land on a flammable surface.

Sky lanterns have become increasingly popular as a way to celebrate.

However, they pose a serious fire safety hazard and their use is prohibited by National Fire Protection Association code requirements.

Balloons, sky lanterns, and plastic confetti aren't recyclable and take years to biodegrade.

They break into smaller and smaller pieces until they turn into microplastics, which are consumed by fish, birds, turtles, and other wildlife.

Sky Lanterns are made from combustible materials such as paper bags or light fabrics which then take flight by the heat from an open flame candle.

These devices are a fire safety hazard and most places prohibit their use.

The concept of letting go of the paper lanterns lit with candles and allowing them to float onto the water symbolizes the manner in which spirits carry on in the afterlife and are remembered.

Similar to released balloons, sky lanterns all return to earth as litter.

They are often marketed as “biodegradable” or “earth- friendly,” both untrue.

Sky lanterns are made with treated paper, wires and/or a bamboo ring.

They can travel for miles and always land as dangerous litter.

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