What are the four main types of metamorphism?

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asked Sep 29, 2022 in Other-Education by Fishfood (1,860 points)
What are the four main types of metamorphism?

1 Answer

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answered Oct 12, 2022 by Gangass (12,870 points)
The four main types of metamorphism are.

Hydro Thermo Metamorphism.
Hydro Metamorphism.
Regional Metamorphism.
Contact Metamorphism.

The 6 types of metamorphism are.

Impact Metamorphism.
Burial Metamorphism.
Plutonic Metamorphism.
Regional Metamorphism.
Hydrothermal Metamorphism.
Contact or Thermal Metamorphism.

In geology metamorphism is the changes in mineral assemblage and texture that result from subjecting a rock to pressures and temperatures different from those under which the rock originally formed.

The characteristics of metamorphic and metamorphism is that the rocks that undergone metamorphism are usually crystalline and often have a “squashed” (foliated or banded) texture.

The metamorphic rock has a higher density and lower porosity than the rock from which it was formed and also is coarser.

The agents of metamorphism are fluids, pressure and temperature.

The three processes that bring about metamorphism are chemical changes, temperature and pressure.

The most important agent of metamorphism is heat and the reason why heat is the most important agent of metamorphism is because the heat provides the needed energy to drive chemical changes which result in the re crystallization of minerals.

The physical changes that happen during metamorphism are appearance, formation of new minerals, modification of the texture and rock structure as well as an increase in grain size.

Metamorphism is caused by changes in pressure and temperature as well as differential stress and hydrothermal fluids.

The metamorphism then occurs because some minerals are stable only under certain conditions of temperature as well as pressure.

The four types of metamorphism are.

Hydro Thermo Metamorphism.
Contact Metamorphism.
Regional Metamorphism.
Hydro Metamorphism.

Rocks that are foliated include granite gneiss and biotite schist as well as slate.

Metamorphic rocks can be found deep within the earth and where tectonic plates meet.

Metamorphic rocks are usually a dull grayish color although metamorphic rocks can also be green, yellow or even red depending on the mineral content of the metamorphic rock.

Metamorphic rocks are formed from other rocks that go through changes from heat and pressure beneath the earth.

The intense heat and pressure causes the rocks to form into other rocks over several years.

The sources of heat in metamorphism are intrusive magma bodies and deep burial as well as geothermal heat and friction that are along faults.

The two most important sources of heat for metamorphism to occur are deep burial as well as intrusive magma bodies.

The heat that results in metamorphism occurring is from igneous intrusions as well as deep burial.

The two most important driving forces of metamorphism are heat and pressure.

The type of metamorphism that is caused by high temperature and high pressure is regional metamorphism.

Regional metamorphism occurs when temperatures and pressures rise beyond the range of burial metamorphism.

The Regional metamorphism takes place under high pressure and high temperature conditions which can extend over large areas.

The example of metamorphic rock would be marble.

Take for example a marble countertop that marble that the countertop is made from is a metamorphic rock that has gone through changes deep under the ground.

The main difference between igneous and metamorphic rocks is that metamorphic rocks are rocks that started out as other rocks such as igneous rocks and then formed into other rocks from heat and pressure underground.

And Igneous rocks are rocks that are formed from melted rock that is deep inside the Earth.

In simple words metamorphic rocks are rocks that began as some other type of rocks but then have been substantially changed from the rocks original sedimentary, igneous or other form.

The Metamorphic rocks are created when rocks are subjected to intense heat and high pressure as well as hot mineral rich fluids.

Metamorphic rocks are layered because of regional metamorphism which causes layered or platy structure in rocks that is called foliation.

The foliated rocks are the result of intense pressure and sometimes also the result of heat.

Metamorphic rocks are hardest because they have gone through many processes during the metamorphic process which makes them harder than other rocks.

Sedimentary rocks are generally less hard than igneous or metamorphic rocks - this is because the lithification process (how a sedimentary rock becomes a rock) does not involve heat or pressure, and sedimentary rocks are kind of just "smooshed" together.

The minerals that are only found in metamorphic rocks are some garnet, andalusite, kyanite, staurolite and sillimanite.

Other minerals that can be found in metamorphic rocks are quartz, feldspars, micas, pyroxenes, hornblende and olivines.

Two forces that create metamorphic rocks are pressure and heat.

There are 3 metamorphic rocks which are hornfels, quartzite and marble rocks.

The 3 types of foliation are gneiss, schist and slate.

Metamorphic rocks are classified as non foliated and foliated rocks.

The strongest metamorphic rock is Eclogite which is an extreme metamorphic rock that is formed by regional metamorphism of basalt under very high pressures and temperatures.

The two types of metamorphic rocks are non foliates and foliates rocks.

Foliated metamorphic rocks split along cleavage lines which are parallel to minerals which make up the rock.

Rocks change during metamorphism because of heat and pressure.

Metamorphism occurs because some minerals are stable only under certain conditions of pressure and temperature.

When pressure and temperature change, chemical reactions occur to cause the minerals in the rock to change to an assemblage that is stable at the new pressure and temperature conditions.

Metamorphism in the rock cycle is the process that rocks go through where the rocks are altered from pressure and or heat which changes the rocks appearance entirely.

The most common form of metamorphism is regional metamorphism which is caused by high temperature and pressure which resulted from thickening of the crust and plate tectonics.

The 3 types of metamorphism are contact, regional and dynamic metamorphism.

The two main types of metamorphism are contact metamorphism and regional metamorphism.

Metamorphism is a process in which rocks start out as another type of rock and then change into another form of rock.

The types of metamorphism are Dynamic, regional and contact.

Contact Metamorphism occurs when magma comes in contact with an already existing body of rock.

When this happens the existing rocks temperature rises and also becomes infiltrated with fluid from the magma.

Metamorphic rocks are rocks that started out as some other type of rock, but have been substantially changed from their original igneous, sedimentary, or earlier metamorphic form.

Metamorphic rocks form when rocks are subjected to high heat, high pressure, hot mineral-rich fluids or, more commonly, some combination of these factors.

Metamorphism is caused by rocks undergoing changes in temperatures in pressure and are also sometimes subjected to hydrothermal fluids and differential stress.

The Metamorphism occurs because some minerals are stable only under certain conditions of pressure and temperature.

The most common form of metamorphism is regional metamorphism which is how most metamorphic rocks form.

These regional metamorphism rocks were typically exposed to tectonic forces and associated high pressures and temperatures.

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