What is Guam best known for?

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asked Sep 28, 2022 in Other Travel by OGhouston (1,360 points)
What is Guam best known for?

1 Answer

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answered Oct 10, 2022 by Ameristands (5,360 points)
Guam is best known for it's crystal clear ocean waters and for it's white sand beaches.

Guam is a great travel destination for anyone looking to get away including divers, families and honeymooners.

Guam Island is known for its natural beauty.

Especially the beaches in the island are quite striking.

It is a great holiday destination with its white beaches and sunshine.

You can come here and enjoy the sea, sand and sunshine.

'Where the American day begins' is the most popular slogan of Guam as this island is the first place where the sun rises on American soil.

The National bird of Guam is the Guam rail.

Guam is known as the largest island of the Mariana Islands in the North Pacific Ocean.

500 A.D. Chamorro people, of Malay origin, migrated to Guam.

1521 Ferdinand Magellan, of Portugal, called it “Isla de Ladrones” (Island of Thieves) because islanders took whatever they could from his ship as payment for the food and water they had given the crew.

Chamorros are the indigenous people of the Mariana Islands of which Guam is the largest and southernmost on an island chain.

Entry requirements for Guam are the same as for any U.S. destination.

Although U.S. citizens are required to possess a U.S. passport, on a case-by-case basis, photo I.D. and proof of citizenship may be accepted.

In general, citizens of most other countries must have a valid passport with a U.S. visa.

Guam is a U.S. island territory in Micronesia, in the Western Pacific.

Guam is distinguished by tropical beaches, Chamorro villages and ancient latte-stone pillars.

Guam’s WWII significance is on view at the War in the Pacific National Historical Park, whose sites include Asan Beach, a former battlefield.

The island’s Spanish colonial heritage is evident in Fort Nuestra Señora de la Soledad, atop a bluff in Umatac.

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