What does it mean to have a Sweet 16?

+1 vote
asked Apr 1, 2018 in Other- Society & Culture by Risingedge32 (410 points)
What does it mean to have a Sweet 16?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Apr 2, 2018 by Grahlu (51,270 points)
A sweet 16 is just a celebration of coming of age. When you get to be 16 years old you're just a few years away from being 18 as in a legal adult.

A 16th birthday is a milestone birthday for many people.

I never had a 16th birthday celebration but some people do.
0 votes
answered Sep 29, 2019 by steel feel (620 points)

In my sweet 16 years, I went with my parents to a casino to celebrate in Vegas and just got a slurred mass of pleasure. By the way, it was on that night that I had the first sex in the restroom of one of the casinos with their drunken girlfriend over 20. But even from that time on, my attraction to the casino only intensified and even if I can not physically visit it, nothing will stop me from playing a game on my computer here - https://mr.bet/game/view/demo/playboy

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