Relationships between partners.

+2 votes
asked Sep 2, 2022 in Singles & Dating by hiloss9 (1,840 points)
Hello, everyone. Do you believe in long-distance relationships? Or is cheating inevitable? What do you think? Share your life experiences in the comments.

4 Answers

0 votes
answered Sep 2, 2022 by danafishma (2,140 points)

The most important thing in a relationship is trust and honesty. For your relationship to be strong you must never cheat on each other. If you have such suspicions about your partner you will be interested in check here. So read the article and use all the tips to figure out if your partner is cheating on you or not. 

commented Dec 16, 2022 by Goverrestat (340 points)
Communication is vital in relationships if you want to have a happy, healthy relationship. It's also not about making small talk. It's fine to ask your partner how their day went, but if you want an outstanding connection, you must go further. Understanding how to communicate in a relationship is all about meeting your partner's needs. To increase communication in your relationship, learn to listen first, then discuss. Visit
+2 votes
answered Sep 7, 2022 by KrystynaTrushyna (1,620 points)

Here are common long distance relationship problems couples face and need to deal with to continue making their relationship work:

1. Drifting Apart
It's easy to feel like you are both growing apart, but this is usually a gradual process, where you realize one day you've drifted apart or are starting to.

2. Nothing to Talk About
Nothing to talk about can be related to the drifting apart problem but not necessarily. You may feel awkward about where you fit into your partner's life now that they live and work somewhere where you aren't.

3. Wanting a Reply or Answer NOW

4. Misunderstandings

5. Infidelity

6. Time Zones

Check this article for more details about problems and solutions in LDR.

0 votes
answered Oct 16, 2022 by William009 (1,500 points)

Hello, my friend. I think long-distance relationships are possible. This is how I met my girlfriend. Namely, I met her on this site sophiadate. We talked for a long time and now we already live together and plan the future. I think you should also go to the site and evaluate the selection of girls that are there. good luck!

0 votes
answered Nov 8, 2022 by annajamey (460 points)

I do and it’s definitely difficult but not impossible. Still find it hard to wrap my mind around the fact that we are using the term “Distance” right next to a word called “Relationship”… And despite the abundant pessimism one might read online, there are indefinite success stories out there that only prove the merits of being in a long distance relationship (LDRs).

I read somewhere that forty percent of all LDRs end in breakups, and on average those relationships last just about four and a half months. I see a fair balance there and it means that sixty percent of them do work out and once you are done wading through the dark waters of FOMO, trust issues, insecurity, etc., it can turn out to be more stable and might stand the test of time longer than the proximal ones.

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