How do I regain energy after the flu?

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asked Aug 28, 2022 in Other- Health by gatepeeper (7,550 points)
How do I regain energy after the flu?

1 Answer

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answered Sep 14, 2022 by lightsensor (24,540 points)
To regain your energy after the flu you should get plenty of sleep and rest and stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water.

Also eat foods such as chicken noodle soup, vegetable soup, chicken soup, beef soup, ramen noodles and fruits and veggies to increase energy.

You should regain your energy back within a week or so of having the flu.

The flu does make most people emotional because of the macrophages fighting the infection in your body send out cytokines.

These cytokines can affect the parts of your brain that deal with emotions and reasoning.

When you have the flu you should eat foods such as apples, pears, oranges and fruits and vegetables that contain Vitamin C.

You should also eat other foods with the flu such as leafy greens, ice pops, chicken soup, chicken noodle soup, broth, Garlic, herbs, ramen noodles, toast, rice, applesauce, bananas.

The flu virus can be killed on surfaces and objects by use of bleach, Lysol and other disinfectants.

As for your body the flu virus is killed off by your body's natural immune system which attacks and kills the virus and your fever also kicks in to kill the flu virus as the flu virus cannot survive in the body when it heats up to a hot enough temperature.

You lose energy when you have the flu because your body is using your energy for fighting off the flu and it takes energy for the body's immune system to work to kill the virus so you lose energy as a result of your immune system working to kill the flu virus.

The flu virus drains your body of energy because your body's energy is being used to fight off the flu virus infection.

Most of your energy is being used to fight off the flu virus so you are less energetic and more tired which is normal.

Usually the fatigue and tiredness and loss of energy with the flu will go away within a few days and you should begin to naturally regain your energy.

Just be sure to stay hydrated and eat some foods when you can such as chicken noodle soup, applesauce, bananas, toast etc.

Your muscles ache with the flu because your body's immune system is working to fight off the flu by releasing white blood cells.

The reaction causes inflammation which in turn causes your muscles to ache.

You should stay home with the flu for at least 24 hours after the fever has gone away.

Flu fatigue typically lasts around 1 to 2 weeks although sometimes the fatigue with the flu may last longer but most times you should no longer feel fatigued with the flu after 2 weeks or less.

The body aches and fever with the flu last around 3 to 5 days while the fatigue can linger a bit longer.

Doctors treat the flu through antiviral drugs.

While a doctor can't do much for the flu they can provide and give you antiviral drugs to help ease the symptoms of the flu and help speed the recovery time of the flu.

You can tell if the flu is turning into pneumonia by looking for the signs and symptoms.

The signs and symptoms of the flu turning into pneumonia include.

High fever, up to 105 F.

Coughing up greenish, yellow, or bloody mucus.
Chills that make you shake.
Feeling like you can't catch your breath, especially when you move around a lot.
Feeling very tired.
Loss of appetite.
Sharp or stabbing chest pain (you might feel it more when you cough or take a deep breath).

You can die from influenza B as well as Influenza A if it gets severe enough and leads to other complications.

It's rare to die from the flu whether Influenza A or Influenza B but it is possible.

Influenza B as well as Influenza A can turn into pneumonia and could cause serious complications and even death in severe cases.

If Influenza B or Influenza A turns into pneumonia you need to seek medical treatment or it could become deadly.

Influenza A is highly contagious just like Influenza B.

Influenza A and Influenza B can easily be spread from person to person through coughing, sneezes and droplets that can enter a person's mouth or nose which then transmits the flu between people.

Influenza A most often lasts on average of 7 days although it may also last for 14 days.

If the flu is getting worse or you're not recovering from the flu within 14 days then you should see a doctor or if the flu turns into pneumonia you should see a doctor.

Influenza A is worse than Influenza B because the symptoms are more severe in most people who have Influenza A than those who have Influenza B.

And Influenza A is more common in people than Influenza B.

Influenza A is usually the more common form of the virus and tends to circulate early in the season, while influenza B is normally less common and shows up late in the season.

Influenza A is not always dangerous to some people although in some cases influenza A and even the regular flu can be dangerous and cause death and serious complications.

Type A influenza can be serious and cause widespread outbreaks and disease.

Common symptoms of type A infection can be confused with other conditions.

While in some milder cases the flu can resolve on its own without significant symptoms, severe cases of type A influenza can be life-threatening.

Influenza also known as the common flu can kill you in rare cases.

If you're suffering from other health issues such as asthma, breathing issues etc or are elderly then the influenza or flu can be deadly.

However most people who get the flu recover from it without any issue.

The flu is deadly for some people although most people who have the flu recover within 7 days to 14 days.

In rare cases the flu may cause death if it leads to other complications or if the person is elderly or has other health issues.

Most cases of the flu resolve on their own without treatment and there's no cure for the flu and nothing the hospital can really do for the flu unless it gets worse.

If you get dehydrated, get really weak, have confusion, have a high fever that won't go down or you think the flu is turning into pneumonia then go to a walk in clinic or the hospital.

In rare cases the flu can get serious enough to kill someone but it's rare that happens.

If the flu gets worse or lasts longer than a few weeks then go to the hospital.

Also you can take Tamiflu to help with the flu symptoms and help you recover from the flu faster.

You are still contagious with the flu virus while on Tamiflu.

Taking the Tamiflu does not make you less contagious but instead Tamiflu works to help fight the flu virus off before it has time to infect your body fully.

For the Tamiflu to fully work you need to take the Tamiflu within 48 hours of the symptoms of the flu or before the symptoms appear or it will not work.

You still will remain contagious with the flu virus until the flu virus has fully left your body.

Also taking Tamiflu for the flu can make you tired.

One of the side effects of taking Tamiflu is fatigue so you can become drowsy and tired when taking Tamiflu so you should avoid driving or operating any machinery when taking Tamiflu.

However the flu itself can make you tired but Tamiflu has been known to make some people tired which is not a bad thing as it helps you rest to recover from the flu virus.

Other side effects of taking Tamiflu are nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, abdominal pain, headaches and nosebleeds.

Tamiflu will work to prevent the flu if you take the Tamiflu 48 hours before the onset of the flu.

If you take the Tamiflu after you get the flu symptoms then the flu symptoms will still linger and you'll still suffer from the flu.

Tamiflu works to get rid of the flu virus before it has time to fully infect you but once you're fully infected with the flu then nothing will work except rest, staying hydrated and then within a week to 14 days the flu should be gone.

You must take Tamiflu 48 hours before the onset of the flu for it to be effective.

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