What is the oldest kid you have seen in just a diaper (no other clothes other than shoes)?

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asked Aug 25, 2022 in Kids Health by cabbagehead (23,370 points)
What is the oldest kid you have seen in just a diaper (no other clothes other than shoes)?

1 Answer

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answered Aug 26, 2022 by Diaperboy1988 (4,550 points)
The oldest kid I have seen in just a diaper with no other clothes other than shoes was a boy who looked to be about 8 years old.

I was in another town last Saturday when I drove by a house and 2 boys were outside playing in the backyard in the sprinkler.

A boy of about 3 was wearing a Pampers Baby Dry diaper and the other boy who appeared to be 8 years old was wearing a Pampers Cruisers size 7 I believe.

They both were wearing nothing but the diapers and shoes.

I could not see anything wrong with the 8 year old boy who was in diapers although sometimes you cannot tell someone has a disability or he may have been incontinent.

Or he could've had autism and was a late potty trainer or had bladder issues as a result of the autism.

I was so happy to see that boy out enjoying himself without a care in the world and able to wear just his diaper and shoes.

I ran around this summer in my fenced in backyard with just a diaper and shoes and sometimes just the diaper.

I wish I could do it in public but sadly cannot.

I also remember now seeing a boy of around 6 at a splash pad who appeared to have autism wearing just a Pampers baby dry diaper and a shirt and his sandals.

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