Can I use different brand of test strips?

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asked Aug 12, 2022 in Other- Health by Herrodi (1,180 points)
Can I use different brand of test strips?

2 Answers

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answered Aug 28, 2022 by Breathofair (5,540 points)
You cannot use a different brand of test strips as you must use the test strips that are the same brand as your glucose meter or they won't work.

Blood sugar test strips cost on average of $40.00 to $60.00 for a month supply although some brands of diabetic blood sugar test strips can cost as much as $100.00 per month.

You can only use a diabetic test strip once before you must throw it away.

Never reuse diabetic test strips as they can cause infection and also cause false readings of your blood sugar levels.

Diabetic test strips cost so much because they are a medical necessity for people and so they know that people will buy the diabetic test strips at any cost and some people get health insurance or even Medicare to pay for them.

Diabetic test strips only cost around 15 cents each to make and the diabetic test strip company usually profits at least 60 to 70 percent.

You can purchase cheaper diabetic test strips online cheaper than you can buy them in stores.

The cost of diabetic test strips range for $40.00 to $60.00 for a months supply although some diabetic test strips may cost as much as $100.00 per month.

You can buy diabetic test strips online cheaper than buying diabetic test strips in store.

Medicare covers up to 100 diabetic test strips and lancets per month.

Medicare Part B covers blood sugar (also called blood glucose) self-testing equipment and supplies as durable medical equipment.

Although, the amount of supplies that Part B covers varies. test strips and 300 lancets every 3 months. strips and 100 lancets every 3 months.

All diabetic test strips are not the same as different diabetic test strips will only work with certain glucose meters.

So you must get diabetic test strips that work with your glucose meter.

To dispose of unused diabetic test strips you can simply throw the unused diabetic test strips into the trash to dispose of them.

For used diabetic test strips it's best to place them in a plastic container or old soda or water bottle before disposing of them in the trash due to possible contamination from blood.

You cannot and should not reuse diabetic test strips as it can be a health hazard as well as the reused diabetic test strips being inaccurate.

You cannot clean and reuse diabetic test strips.

Once you use a diabetic test strip it must be thrown away and not reused as reusing the diabetic test strips can cause health issues and inaccurate results with your blood sugar readings.

Diabetic test strips are good up until the expiration date on the diabetic test strips.

However the diabetic test strips will still work past that date but the longer they are expired the less accurate they become.

Expired diabetic test strips do still work but they lose their accuracy ability when they expire.

Usually if it's only been a few months or so past expiration date the diabetic test strips will be accurate but if it's been a year or longer since the diabetic test strips have expired then they are not very accurate.

Diabetic test strips do expire and once expired they are not as accurate although they will still work when expired.

Expired glucose test strips will still work but the results are usually not as accurate as non expired glucose test strips would be.

For the best results use non expired glucose test strips when testing your blood sugar.

Glucose diabetic test strips expire and when they do expire they don't produce as accurate as results as they would when non expired.

Diabetic test strips do really expire.

When diabetic test strips expire they lose their accuracy so while it's safe to use expired diabetic test strips it's not a good idea as you can get false readings.

You can use expired diabetic test strips but if you do then the results may not be accurate.

You should always use non expired diabetic test strips to ensure the most accurate test results.

You can know if your glucose meter is accurate by taking a glucose test with your meter and then comparing it with a test from your doctor.

If you think your glucose meter is not accurate you should let your doctor know and they can help you determine if the glucose meter readings are correct or not.

You should check your blood sugar level with your glucose meter at the same time that blood is drawn for lab tests, being sure to use a fingerstick sample, not blood from the blood draw.

Then compare your glucose meter's reading with the lab results.

Results that are within 15% of the lab reading are considered accurate.

Things that can throw off a glucose test and cause false or high blood sugar readings include medication interference's, extreme hematocrit values, extreme environmental conditions and application errors.

Even not washing your hands before doing the blood sugar test can cause false high blood sugar readings.

If you don't remember to wash your hands before checking your blood sugar, you may experience a false alarm.

Testing your blood sugar after handling food can produce an erroneously high reading because sugar residues on the skin can contaminate the blood sample, research has shown.

Foods that can lower your blood sugar quickly are eggs, fermented vegetables, nuts and nut butters, seeds and seed butters, beans, lentils, oats, salmon and other fatty fish.

Unsweetened yogurt and Kefir can also lower your blood sugar.

Drinking water will lower blood sugar as the water helps to dilute the amount of glucose which is sugar in your blood stream which in turn lowers your blood sugar.

Drinking plenty of water and staying hydrated can help to keep your blood sugar levels maintained as well.

Drinking a glass or two glasses of lemon water can help lower your blood sugar.

Lemons as well as lemon water can help to lower your blood sugar.

Lemon water and lemons are also very healthy for you as well.

To lower your blood sugar immediately you should take fast acting insulin.

Exercise and drinking some water can also help with lowering your blood sugar although fast acting insulin is how you should lower your blood sugar immediately especially if it's too high.

Drinking water can help to lower your blood sugar levels.

Other ways to lower your blood sugar include.

Exercise regularly.
Manage your carb intake.
Eat more fiber.
Drink water and stay hydrated.
Implement portion control.
Eat foods with a low glycemic index.
Try to manage your stress levels.
Monitor your blood sugar levels.

The glycaemia, also known as blood sugar level, blood sugar concentration, or blood glucose level is the measure of glucose concentrated in the blood of humans or other animals.

Approximately 4 grams of glucose, a simple sugar, is present in the blood of a 70.3 kg human at all times.

A blood sugar level less than 140 mg/dL (7.8 mmol/L) is normal.

A reading of more than 200 mg/dL (11.1 mmol/L) after two hours indicates diabetes.

A reading between 140 and 199 mg/dL (7.8 mmol/L and 11.0 mmol/L) indicates prediabetes.

Drinking water on a regular basis does help lower your blood sugar levels.

The way drinking water lowers your blood sugar levels is through the dilution of the amount of your glucose "Sugar" in your bloodstream.

The water that you drink dilutes that sugar or glucose which in turn lowers your blood sugar levels.

So if you suffer from high blood sugar you can easily lower your blood sugar to safe levels by consuming a few glasses of water per day.

The more water you consume the lower your blood sugar levels will be and the healthier you'll be as well.

Water helps to hydrate you and to flush toxins out of your kidneys as well.

It's recommended to drink at least 8 glasses of water per day but even a few of glasses of water per day is better than drinking no water at all.
0 votes
answered Nov 23, 2023 by BlackDiamond (2,020 points)

It's not recommended to use different brands of test strips interchangeably as accuracy may vary. Each glucometer is calibrated to specific strip formulations, ensuring reliable results. For optimal performance, stick to the recommended test strips for your device. If you're looking to enhance your brand presence, consider consulting a brand activation agency in Lahore for strategic marketing solutions.

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