Can you pet a bumblebee?

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asked Aug 10, 2022 in Other- Pets by JudyIsler (4,200 points)
Can you pet a bumblebee?

1 Answer

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answered Aug 29, 2022 by what2makeofthat (12,140 points)
You can pet a bumble bee if you were to get the bumble bee to like you and get used to you.

I once got a bumble bee to like me and it came over and landed on my hand and I slowly moved my hand over to it and petted it.

Not all of them will like to be petted or handled but if a bee or bumble bee gets used to being around you then they can sometimes like being petted and handled.

Bumble bees die in late fall and so they don't come back until spring and summer months.

However the Queen winter bee burrows and over winters in small holes that are just below the ground's surface and they emerge again in spring and create new bumble bee colonies and begin laying eggs again.

If a bumble bee gets wet them the water on the bumble bees body can accumulate on the bumble bees body and interfere with their flight.

So bumble bees prefer to not fly in rain or avoid being out in the rain as well.

The water on the bumble bee will also weight the bee down which impedes the bumble bee's wing beats which occur at a rate of 12,000 beats per minute.

Bumble Bees can hurt you as they have the ability to sting you if need be.

Although most times bumble bees will avoid you and they prefer to not sting you or chase you unless you get too close or provoke or make them mad.

The sting can be painful for a bit but the pain usually goes away quickly after being stung by a bumble bee.

Bumble bees can and do chase you if they see you as a threat.

Although as long as you don't get too close to the bumble bee or you don't provoke the bumble bee or make them mad then the bumble bee will usually leave you alone.

Bumble bees are aggressive when they need to be although as long as you leave the bumble bees alone they will most often leave you alone as well.

But when you provoke the bumble bee they may chase you or become aggressive and sting you.

At night bumble bees will go sleep at night under a deep flower or under a flower head.

Bumble bees most often build their bumble bee nests in pre existing cavities on landscape like rock piles, and under layers of dense vegetation and empty mouse burros.

Once the queen bumble bee constructs a few waxen pots, with them with the nectar and pollen and proceed to layer her eggs on top.

Bumble bees are very good to have around as the bumble bee helps to pollinate plants and help them grow.

Without these bumble bees the plants would likely not grow and die.

Bumblebees have a short lifespan and live for only 28 days once they come into the world.

The bumble bees are so important to have around as the bumble bees are natural pollinators of flowering plants and agricultural crops.

Without these bumblebees the flowering plants and agricultural crops would not be able to thrive and grow.

Bumble bees are most active during the cooler evening hours and cooler morning hours.

As the sunlight comes up and it's cooler the bumblebees become more active and then as it gets hotter then the bumblebees become less active and then become more active in the evening hours.

Bumble bees don't lay or make honey although they do store and collect nectar.

Bumblebees sting just like other bees and do not bite.

And unlike honeybees the bumblebees are able to sting multiple times, but they are much less likely to sting than hornets, yellow jackets or honeybees.

Bumble Bees don't make any edible honey although bumble bees do collect and store nectar.

If a queen bee stings you then you will feel pain like other bee stings but most often you'll be okay unless you're allergic to the queen bee sting.

However since the queen bee does not leave it's stinger in you like worker bees the queen bee won't die after stinging you while the worker bees do die after stinging.

Bees don't usually follow you after they sting you because once they sting you they leave their stinger inside of you and also it leaves part of it's digestive tract, muscles and nerves behind and so the bee then mostly goes back to it's nest where it will die.

When a bee such as a honeybee stings a mammal, its barbed stinger lodges in the skin, and the honeybee cannot remove it.

Instead the bee then leaves the double lancet behind, along with part of its digestive tract, muscles and nerves.

This abdominal rupture is what kills the bee.

Bees will chase you if you run as when you run they see that as a threat and will continue to chase you.

Running away from bees can and sometimes will likely get you stung more.

The reason for that is, it's a sudden movement and bees hate that.

Bees will also see your rate of speed as a threat and provoke them more.

If there is a swarm coming at you, step away slowly and carefully.

Bees don't get mad when you take their honey as long as you don't take it all or take too much of it.

If the bee gets used to you taking their honey then they typically have no problem with it but if you take honey from a regular bee hive in the wild then they may get mad.

When taking honey from bees you should wear a bee keeper suit to protect you in case you were to get swarmed by bees although that rarely happens.

The largest bee in the world is the Wallace's Giant Bee also known called the Megachile pluto.

The Megachile pluto is a large Indonesian resin bee.

With a wingspan of 63.5 mm it is the largest known living bee species.

It was believed to be extinct until several specimens were discovered in 1981.

You can survive a killer bee sting and not everyone is allergic to the sting of a killer bee but some people can experience serious health issues if not treated.

If you do get stung by a killer bee you should always seek medical treatment just to be safe.

Getting stung by a killer be can cause health issues such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and dangerous effects on the blood, muscle, liver and kidneys.

Killer bees live on average of 1 year to 3 years although some killer bees may only live a few weeks.

And if a killer bee stings you then they lose their stinger and die.

Killer bees don't sting for no reason and most often killer bees chase you and sting you when you get too close to their nest or colony as a defense.

So even though you didn't provoke the killer bees they can chase and sting you when they think you're a threat so it's best to try to avoid areas where killer bees are nesting.

Killer bees also known as Africanized bees are called Killer Bees because of their defensive nature and the fact they they chase you when threatened and a sting from killer bees can sometimes kill people who are allergic to them as well.

Killer bees stay mad for at least a few days although some killer bees may stay mad for as long as a week or two.

The difference between honey bees and Africanized bees is in their defense and response to threats as Africanized honey bees are more aggressive and will send more bees to attack when they feel threatened.

Africanized "killer" bees look so much like domestic honey bees that the only way to tell the two apart is by measuring their bodies.

Africanized bees are slightly smaller than their counterpart and they are also golden yellow with darker bands of brown.

You can sometimes outrun Africanized bees and you should try to outrun Africanized bees if they are chasing you.

Then try to get into a car or building away from them.

If you see a killer bee you should call 911 if they are chasing you or someone.

If a swarm of killer bees are trying to attack someone call 911 as the killer bees can be deadly to some people especially if they attack and sting that person.

The fire department has a special solution that they can spray for the killer bees to help them disperse.

If under attack by an Africanized honeybee, run quickly away in a zig zag pattern and seek shelter indoors or in a car as soon as possible.

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