What does a cosmos flower mean?

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asked Aug 5, 2022 in Gardening by MDweck (680 points)
What does a cosmos flower mean?

1 Answer

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answered Aug 16, 2022 by waitforme (13,460 points)
The cosmos flower means and symbolizes harmony and order.

The cosmos flower most significantly symbolizes order and harmony.

And this primary symbolic meaning of cosmos flowers comes from the flower's name and its orderly petals.

Cosmos flowers also represent and symbolize balance, tranquility, peace, love, modesty, innocence, joy, and beauty.

Cosmos flowers are both beautiful and ornamental.

Grown as traditional cottage garden plants, they make beautiful cut flowers.

As the birth flower for the month of October, cosmos flowers are often used as gifts for people with birthdays in this month.

Cosmos flowers also attract bees, butterflies and other beneficial insects.

The cosmos flowers open flowers provide easy access to nectar and pollen.

You can never have enough pollinators and predator insects in your garden, helping pollinate and pest manage for you.

The seeds of the cosmos flowers are large, long and thin, so easy to handle and germinate quickly.

Cosmos flowers are the very best, low-maintenance and floweriest plants in the world.

With little effort, they give you buckets of cut flowers and they have a good vase life, too.

Cosmos is non-toxic to dogs, cats and even children, making it a safe plant to grow in a family garden.

To prolong their flowering time, keep cosmos harvested regularly, and deadhead any spent flowers before they set seed.

The individual blooms of cosmos don't last a particularly long time in the vase, about 4 to 6 days, but each stem is loaded with multiple blossoms that open individually over a period of a week.

As a member of the daisy family, cosmos flowers are appealing to Monarch butterflies4 because of their abundant flowers and rich nectar stores.

Although a cosmos blossom looks like one flower, it is actually made up of many different tiny tubular flowers surrounded by a ray of petals.

The most common Cosmos family, Cosmos bipinnatus, is not considered edible.

Since it isn't toxic in any manner though, it's still very safe to grow around children and pets.

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