Should you keep your children in diapers?

0 votes
asked Aug 5, 2022 in Kids Health by likeuboy (460 points)
Should you keep your children in diapers?
commented Aug 7, 2022 by paratom (9,050 points)
Hi likeuboy

Do u have kids? You gotta force your kids back in diapers, no choice. They will realize that you as a parent know what's the best for your kids. Baby cereal, baby food stage 3, baby bottles, pacifiers, crib, high chair, playpen, car seats and and anything else with being babied.

[email protected]

I'm looking forward to hearing from you

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Aug 5, 2022 by Danieldiap (4,000 points)

You should always keep your children in diapers no matter what age.

Diapers are much better than regular underwear and it's easier to use a diaper than have to run to the toilet.

You should keep your older kids in diapers as it's much better for them than having to use the toilet.

Yes you should keep your child in diapers.

Kids should always be kept in diapers instead of being potty trained as diapers are much better than the toilet.

When your kids wearing a diaper they don't have to stop playing to use the toilet as they can just go poop and pee in the diaper and have the diaper changed later.

I would never potty train any of my kids and keep them in diapers.

Using the toilet is a waste of time when you can just pee in the diaper instead and poop in the diaper.

Diapers are also more comfortable than underwear too.

And diapers get even more comfortable when they are wet.

They make larger sizes of diapers for older kids and they should wear diapers all the time.

No need to stop for potty breaks as you just potty in the diaper.

Here's an older kid that is wearing a diaper and he loves wearing his diapers.

Older Kid wearing diapers and shirt diaper lover boy

+1 vote
answered Aug 5, 2022 by paratom (9,050 points)
You should have kids in diapers. No lines at a park, you can change a child around in public. Use baby bottles, pacifiers, baby formula, baby cereal, baby food stage 3. Have fun with them. Make rules. If you wanna hear more, my email is

[email protected]

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